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WAR OF 1812 – “Madison’s War” CHAPTER 9 SECTION 4.

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1 WAR OF 1812 – “Madison’s War” CHAPTER 9 SECTION 4

2 UNPREPARED FOR WAR Over-confident Lacked experienced soldiers and leadership Not rolling in money

3 Reasons for fighting Impressment Raiding/ looting our trade ships British helping Native Americans Manifest Destiny – we are fated to expand (Canada) Politics - Democratic-Republicans anti-British

4 Timing is everything May 1812 - New Prime Minister of Britain June 16, 1812 – British repeal trade restrictions – message sent to U.S. (4-6 weeks) June 18, 1812 – Congress declares war on Britain

5 Poor start Lost our first few battles

6 Turning points Our Navy winning control over Lake Erie Tecumseh killed at Battle of Thames Battle of Horseshoe Bend (south- Andrew Jackson)

7 Sir Francis Scott Key Wrote a poem later known as “Star Spangled Banner” About the attack on Baltimore Flag was still flying over Fort McHenry

8 Treaty of Ghent Signed December 1814 in Belgium Only ended the war Did not mention impressment or raiding ships Did not give new lands to U.S.

9 Battle of New Orleans After the Treaty of Ghent Bloody battle that made Jackson a hero

10 Federalist Party Kind of goes away after the war.



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