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Third IPC Workshop (WIPO)

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1 Third IPC Workshop (WIPO)
IPC vs. CPC compared Third IPC Workshop (WIPO) Roberto IASEVOLI, EPO CPC Implementation Group 25 February 2013

2 Outline History Governance and operations Documentation coverage
Scheme: availability and layout Definitions: availability and layout What / how / where to classify Database Allocation standard Revisions Questions & Answers

3 History date IPC CPC 1971 Strasbourg Agreement 2006 Jan IPC Reform
"invention" vs. "additional" information "advanced" vs. "core" level reclassified documentation additional layer of the IPC (Definitions) 2010 Oct bilateral agreement EPO-USPTO for the launch of CPC 2011 Jan Simplified IPC Reform classification in "full IPC" vs. "main-group only" instead of "advanced" vs. "core" levels

4 History (cont'd) date IPC CPC 2013 Jan
17th version of the IPC launched 1st version of the CPC launched 2013 Apr next version of the CPC expected 2013 May ... 2014 Jan next version of the IPC expected

5 Governance and operations
IPC CPC IPC Union members, under the supervision of WIPO EPO & USPTO operations are described in the CONOPS documentation operations are described in the CPC OPS documentation Committee of Experts (IPC/CE) meetings are physically held yearly at WIPO CPC Implementation Group (CPC IG) to hand over to CPC Joint Board (CPC JB) in operation phase (July 2013) meetings are (physically or VICO) held quarterly/monthly

6 Governance and operations (cont'd)
IPC CPC IPC revisions are expected to take place yearly CPC revisions are expected to take place up to monthly revisions are worked out by the Revision Working Group (IPC/WG) meetings are physically held twice a year at WIPO revisions are worked out by the Joint Editorial Board (EB) meetings are (VICO) held weekly

7 Documentation coverage
IPC CPC almost all of worldwide published patent documents after 1975 (entry in force of the Strasbourg Agreement) minimum PCT documentation available in EN, FR, DE (and NL) + whole of US patent documentation + CPCNO allocations: EPO member states can send their allocations in CPC format, to retrieve them later in EPOQUE

8 Scheme availability IPC CPC

9 IPC scheme layout Sections A-H Indexing codes 631 subclasses
~ symbols invention or additional information Indexing codes additional information only as a rule numbering starts at 101/00 but C07D main groups start at 201/00 ...

10 Indexing codes ─ 2000 series
CPC scheme layout Sections A-H Section Y Main trunk 647 subclasses ~ symbols invention or additional information {...} used to distinguish CPC text from IPC one 6 subclasses ~7 300 symbols including former USPC "XRAC's and digests" tagging of emerging cross-sectional technologies additional information only Indexing codes ─ 2000 series ~ symbols former "breakdown" and "orthogonal" ICO include IPC indexing codes

11 Y a.k.a. the 9th section of the scheme
IPC CPC ideas over a 9th section of the IPC, to cover emerging technologies, cross-sectional in the sense that the new schemes would span over many schemes of the A-H sections, was explored at the time "Nanotech" was discussed in the IPC "Nanotech" was the trigger to have in ECLA the 9th section for tagging of emerging technologies later Y01 (Nanotech) was moved to B82Y the 9th section of the IPC could not be created because of the high IT impact on certain offices Y section stays in CPC for tagging of emerging cross-sectional technologies now includes also former USPC XRAC's and digest (Y10S)

12 Definitions availability
IPC CPC Definitions are "one click away" next to the IPC symbol they relate to Definitions are expected for all subclasses (except indexing schemes) and main-groups, at least Definitions are currently available as XML/PDF files at subclass level a D marks their availability in the IPC page a D marks their availability in the espacenet page available also on USPTO classification resources plan to have all IPC subclasses (except indexing ones) covered currently ~1/3 of the total is ready plan to have all of CPC subclasses (except indexing ones) and main-groups covered all ready by mid 2013

13 Definitions layout IPC CPC
a Template exists to structure information in the best way XML schema mirrors the Template structure a Template exists which is almost identical to the IPC one XML schema is compatible with the IPC one

14 What / where / how to classify
IPC CPC the IPC Guide provides the required information on the proper usage of the IPC the CPC Guide does not exist (yet), but the CPC follows IPC Guide "unless differently stated" what: contribution over the prior art; other features interesting for search ... where: function-oriented vs. application-oriented places ... how: invention vs. additional information; indexing schemes ... what: contribution over the prior art; other features interesting for search ... where: reflect IPC practice to a very large extent, unless differently stated in the CPC Definitions

15 Database IPC CPC MCD the master database for the IPC, collecting allocations sent by all offices worldwide MCD is the authoritative source of the IPC classification data it also generates reclassification working lists (RWL) for all offices at each IPC revision CPC-DB a "dual master" database with synchronization, to ensure independence of operations of the two offices, while offering refreshed access to the shared allocations CPC-DB is the authoritative source of the CPC classification data database "products" are not exported from CPC-DB but from the local databases, e.g. DOC-DB/XML is fed by DOC-DB

16 CPC database (CPC-DB) “Dual master" databases with data synchronization CPC-DB will be the authoritative source for CPC classification data

17 Allocation standard IPC CPC Standard 8 (ST8) based on ST8

18 Allocation standard — from the IPC ST8 ...
, Y A

19 Allocation standard (cont'd) — ... to the CPC one

20 Revisions IPC CPC yearly (ready 6 months in advance)
worked out by the IPC/WG up to monthly (ready 6 weeks in advance) worked out by the CPC EB platform: IPC IEF platform: CPC collaborative environment the following deliverables are expected: Scheme / Definition project changes en français aussi ! CRL (cross-reference list) Compilation of changes stems from the two above RCL (revision concordance list) RWL (reclassification working lists) for all participating offices CI (Catchword Index) RWL (reclassification working lists) for CPC offices CICL (CPC-IPC concordance list)

21 Questions & Answers .... Thank you !!

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