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Presentation on theme: "SEMESTER EXAM 1 PREPARATION Creating a Study Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMESTER EXAM 1 PREPARATION Creating a Study Guide

2 How to Get Started First, turn to the Table of Contents in your textbook and identify ALL of the works we have read this semester.  Write down the works and record the page numbers for reference.

3 What Did We Read? Native American Literature from The Way to Rainy Mountain “How the Leopard Got His Claws” “How the World Was Made” “Prayer to the Pacific” “The Sky Tree” “The Summer of Black Widows”

4 What Did We Read? Puritan Literature Of Plymouth Plantation “Upon the Burning of Our House” “To My Dear and Loving Husband” “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” “Huswifery” “Young Goodman Brown”

5 What Did We Read? Revolutionary War Literature The Declaration of Independence “Poor Richard’s Almanack” “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention” The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Crisis No. 1 The Hunger Games

6 What Did We Read? The Scarlet Letter

7 Reviewing What We Read Next, write a bulleted review of each work.  2-4 bullets should be sufficient. Be sure one bullet expresses the main idea or moral of the work. The subsequent bullets should summarize the work. What are significant plot elements?

8 Analyzing What We Read Now that you have summarized the work, you need to look deeper. List examples of figurative language (metaphor, simile, sensory detail, archetypes, etc). Use the footnotes to guide you, and be specific. Ex. Metaphor: chains compared to British taxes.

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