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The repositories Landscape: where are Repositories now and what’s around the corner? UKDA-store Louise Corti UKDA, University of Essex MIMAS OPEN FORUM.

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Presentation on theme: "The repositories Landscape: where are Repositories now and what’s around the corner? UKDA-store Louise Corti UKDA, University of Essex MIMAS OPEN FORUM."— Presentation transcript:

1 The repositories Landscape: where are Repositories now and what’s around the corner? UKDA-store Louise Corti UKDA, University of Essex MIMAS OPEN FORUM 2008

2 What is UKDA-store? UKDA-store is a self-archiving system hosted by the UK Data Archive (UKDA) Its focus is the storage and sharing of primary research data from the social and behavioural sciences UKDA-store is currently only open to ESRC researchers (Phase I) Will roll out to other funders in Phase II

3 Why ESRC? Research data and output sharing is an important part of publicly funded research, and research funders are increasingly implementing formal data sharing polices The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) was the first UK funding bodies to initiate a data sharing policy and fund an archive to house research data generated as a result of its research support These data are currently made available via the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) a rich and diverse stock of social and economic data is now available to the wider community..but can be more

4 Why UKDA-store? Not all data can be formally archived with ESDS or UKDA –too many offers of data –not enough processing capacity –data may not suit our Collections Development Policy We turn data away. Until, now there has been nowhere else to put social science data. Creators can keep and disseminate themselves but typically do not UKDA-store set up to host data that cannot come to ESDS, but are shareable

5 Managing and sharing data outputs

6 Logging on via ATHENS

7 UKDA-store user account –authenticates

8 ESRC Society Today Repository

9 Adding a record

10 Checking record information

11 Harvests record from ERC EST Uses OAI feed

12 Add more metadata then data User defined tag

13 Adding a deposit

14 Approval process Approval for all uploads to system is required Acquisitions team assess metadata and data –Checks for viruses, confidentiality and material content and type –Manually okayed via email

15 Sharing the record Data can be open, embargoed or closed Request to access closed records in the system requires an email to the Principal Contributor (PC) Other people can be added to add more data or contribute materials e.g. related publications Only PCs and the Administrator can take delete projects and data Disclaimer and Take-down policy

16 What technology? StOReStORe was a JISC project that stood for : Source-to- Output Repositories.StORe http://www.fedora-commons.orgStORe is a customisation and rewrite of the ELATED open source software. ELATED is an application that was designed to operate on top of the Fedora repository system (see ELATED provides a simple user interface and set of functionality that allows Fedora to be used as the back- end to a general-purpose digital assets management system

17 ELATED ELATED allows all users to browse collections with public visibility Once logged in, users have the ability to create and manage their own public or private collections ELATED also allows for shared - or collaborative - collections to which multiple users my contribute Collaborative collections contain a simple workflow system that allows editors to monitor and approve of submissions ELATED is based on Fedora 2.1.1


19 Issues we are confronting No formal preservation for collections in UKDA-store Primary aim is to share materials quickly and also provide front-line support for them Metadata is VERY minimal, might look to enhance with other schema e.g. DDI How does this collection map to the ESDS collection and how will we search and promote both?

20 What future issues are pertinent? Subject based repositories can better support their collections than institutional repositories for research data collections. They have the in-house expertise to handle data acquisition, vetting, ingest and promotion and user support. Dedicated guidance and support for contributors and collection users What about metadata? Who should provide it and how much help do both repository managers and contributors need in making sure metadata are appropriate for the collection-types, especially for research data Do repositories always have a preservation role? How is this managed and what skills do staff need? Can preservation all be done in-house? Should it be?

21 My details Louise Corti UKDA University of Essex Have UKDA- Store liaison and promotion role Email: Tel: 01206 872145

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