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Native American Background AMERICAN LITERATURE 2015-2016.

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1 Native American Background AMERICAN LITERATURE 2015-2016


3 The Bering Land Bridge  Migration occurred in approximately 25,000 BP from Asia.  Hunter and gathering migration  Migration over the Bering Land Bridge was possible due to a global cold period called the Wisconsin Glaciation (we often call this an ice age).  Water stored in advancing glaciers caused lower sea levels  Rising sea levels following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) covered the Bering Land Bridge by approximately 11,000 BP


5  Evidence of inhabitation from approximately 15,000BP  Pre-Columbian (before 1492) there were over 600 tribes in what is now the continental US  Estimates place Pre-Columbian populations for North America at 10 million

6 Alaska Native Background AMERICAN LITERATURE 2015-2016


8  Athabaskan  Ahtna, Deg Hit’an, Dena'ina, (Kenaitze), Gwich’in, Hän, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Lower Tanana, Tanacross, Upper Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim (Kolchan)  Eyak  Tlingit  Haida  Tsimshian  Eskimo  Iñupiat, (Inuit)  Yupik  Siberian Yupik  Yup'ik & Cup'ik  Sugpiaq ~ Alutiiq  Chugach Sugpiaq, Koniag Alutiiq  Aleut (Unangan)

9 Alaska Native Language map




13  Iñupiat  The Owl and the Raven: An Inuit Legend The Owl and the Raven: An Inuit Legend  The Owl and the Lemming An Eskimo Legend The Owl and the Lemming An Eskimo Legend  Athabaskan  “The Loon Story” - An Alaska Native Tanaina Tale “The Loon Story” - An Alaska Native Tanaina Tale  Patricia Wade of Chickaloon tells the Story of DenaliStory of Denali  Chief Mitch Demientieff of Nenana tells the story of Denali Chief Mitch Demientieff of Nenana tells the story of Denali  Aleut & Alutiiq  “The Girl Who Married the Moon” “The Girl Who Married the Moon”  Yup’ik & Cup’ik  Eyak, Tlingit, Haida & Tsimshian

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