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Teaching for Results Session 2 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching for Results Session 2 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching for Results Session 2 Facilitated by: Shauna Watson

2 Objectives:  Understand and apply the vocabulary of the discipline.  Self-Assess foreign language content knowledge, ability to teach foreign language, and own values and biases that may impact teaching.  Create professional growth goals.  Research strategies proven effective to teach foreign language 5 Cs.  Plan to implement new strategies in the classroom to maximize teacher/student outcomes.  Evaluate local resources in relation to standards to make strategic decisions about curriculum design and resource integration.

3 Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:45 pm Section 1 – Goal Setting Theory. 4:45 – 5:25 Section 2 – Analyzing Local Resources 5:25 – 6:10 Section 3 – Introducing the 5 Cs 6:15- 7:15 Closing 7:20 – 7:30

4 DO NOW Complete Self Assessment Handout 2.1 Write down 1 or 2 questions that arise as you read through the handout.


6 ¿Recuerdas? BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOALS… How did you ensure you met your goals? Did you write the goals down? How did you measure progress toward the goals? Did you set the goals because you wanted to or because you were required to do so?

7 What the research says… Handout 2.2 & Handout 2.3 ¿Preguntas? How did the structured notes help organize information while reading the article? How does it help the student to organize, synthesize, and retain information.

8 Helpful Websites Structured Notes: Student Goal Setting: TfR Online Resources:

9 For understanding… Why would you want your students to set their own goals? What would be the benefit?

10 Think about the following ?s Refer back to Handout 2.1 and think about… What content area is weakest in your repertoire? Will students struggle in the same area? How can you ensure that your weaker areas do not become struggles for students?

11 Professional Goals Handout 2.4 Remember goals should be PECIFIC EASURABLE LIGNED TO STANDARDS EALISTIC IME BOUND

12 EJEMPLO Students will improve their language acquisition skills from stage 1 to stage 3 by the end of the 2010-2011 school year as evidenced by being evaluated at the A2 level of the CERF (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

13 Think about the following ?s How will your classroom goals improve upon your content knowledge? How was the self assessment useful in determining which classroom goals to set? In what ways can you help with professional development resources?

14 Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:45 pm Section 1 – Goal Setting Theory. 4:45 – 5:25 Section 2 – Analyzing Local Resources 5:25 – 6:10 Section 3 – Introducing the 5 Cs 6:15- 7:15 Closing 7:20 – 7:30

15 Section 2 Review handout 2.5 & 2.6 = 5 mins. Boxes 1 -3 = 2 mins. Box 4 = 4 mins. Boxes 5 & 6 = 13 mins. Boxes 7 & 8 = 10 mins.

16 Share Out What was challenging about the process of analyzing your local resources? How will this process inform your instruction? In which areas did you find that you need to supplement the curriculum? If you had more time to complete this process, what would you focus on or study more deeply?

17 Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:45 pm Section 1 – Goal Setting Theory. 4:45 – 5:25 Section 2 – Analyzing Local Resources 5:25 – 6:10 Section 3 – Introducing the 5 Cs 6:15- 7:15 Closing 7:20 – 7:30

18 Section 3 Read Handout 2.7 ACTFL standards Think about the following ?s and underline one golden line within the article. How do these standards relate to the state and local standards? Are the ACTFL standards more specific or more general than what you have seen so far? Is there anything missing from the ACTFL standards?

19 Teaching the 5 Cs In the following groups please move to the corresponding chart paper and complete the activity outlined on Handout 2.8 Group 1Group 2Group 3 JulieAndrewRosa DoniqueAmandaKathryn DrewAndreaHannah

20 ¿Preguntas? What challenges did you have while completing this chart? Did you and your group members disagree with any categorizations? Which activities were particularly difficult to categorize? How can you use this activity with your students?

21 Strategies for Teaching the 5 Cs Experiential Learning: opportunities for real-world experiences based on student’s prior knowledge Direct Instruction: highly structured, teacher-centered information delivery method that may rely on drills, repetition and scripted materials Social Learning: teacher-guided cooperative learning that facilitates student interaction Problem-based Learning: teacher-student-initiated inquiries that promote critical thinking and problem solving. Constructivist Instruction: Teachers apply brain research results and extend student learning by building on students’ prior knowledge. Thematic Instruction: Teachers provide cross-curricular learning on a central theme.

22 You do Handout 2.9 - Generate a list of teaching strategies found in the instructional resource you brought. PICK 3 Which of the 5 C’s work well together to create larger units/projects? Group ACTFL standards from Handout 2.7 into Pick 3 groups that make sense across the 5 C’s. How can you turn these groupings into units/projects? Design a unit/project based on the PICK 3 groupings you’ve come up with in this exercise.

23 Agenda Opening 4:30 – 4:45 pm Section 1 – Goal Setting Theory. 4:45 – 5:25 Section 2 – Analyzing Local Resources 5:25 – 6:10 Section 3 – Introducing the 5 Cs 6:15- 7:15 Closing 7:20 – 7:30

24 Cosing Were the objectives met? Lingering questions? Classroom applications for strategies – handout 1.11 ▫Structured notes ▫Setting and revisiting goals ▫I do. You do. ▫Guiding questions ▫Category chart

25 Objectives:  Understand and apply the vocabulary of the discipline.  Self-Assess foreign language content knowledge, ability to teach foreign language, and own values and biases that may impact teaching.  Create professional growth goals.  Research strategies proven effective to teach foreign language 5 Cs.  Plan to implement new strategies in the classroom to maximize teacher/student outcomes.  Evaluate local resources in relation to standards to make strategic decisions about curriculum design and resource integration.

26 Sneak Preview & Homework Session 3 – Diagnosing Foreign Language Content. Interpretive Communication Students learn how to listen to and read the foreign language before they can speak and write it. Session 3 will allow you to see exactly where your students are at in the interpretive communication process. Homework ▫Professional goals Growth Plan 1 handout 2.1 & 2.4 ▫Content and Examining Local Resources Assignment handout 1.5, 1.6, & 2.5 ▫Read Handout 3.1 & highlight key ideas. ▫Read Handouts 3.2-3.5 in preparation for Session 3

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