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Mohammed Zuned Desai Michael James Wong Koji Hirota Areio Hashemi Group D.

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Presentation on theme: "Mohammed Zuned Desai Michael James Wong Koji Hirota Areio Hashemi Group D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mohammed Zuned Desai Michael James Wong Koji Hirota Areio Hashemi Group D

2  Background  Applications  Description  Objectives  Methodology  Fabrication  Results  Future Work  Gantt Chart  References

3 Introduction  What are Magnetic Tweezers (MT)? ◦ Scientific instrument used for studying molecular and cellular interactions ◦ Ability to apply known forces on paramagnetic particles using a magnetic field gradient ◦ One of the most commonly used force spectroscopy techniques  Atomic Force Microscopy  Optical Tweezers

4 Advantages of MT  They do not have problems of sample heating and photodamage that effects optical tweezers  Magnetic forces are orthogonal to biological interactions  Offer the prospect of highly parallel single- molecule measurements ◦ Hard to achieve with other single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques

5 Applications  The magnet configurations are relatively easy to assemble  Ideally suited for the study of DNA topology and topoisomerases  Study Molecular interactions  65pN to rupture bond between lectin and RBC membrane-bound glycolipids.  60-130pN to extract beta2-integrins (CD18) from neutrophil membrane in 1-4sec  100pN to extract integral glycoprotein from cell lipid bilayer (RBC membrane)  165pN to rupture P-selectin bond with leukocyte-membrane- bound P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1.  40-400pN to separate a pair of cell adhesion proteoglycan molecules on marine sponge cell surfaces.

6  How do magnetic tweezers work?  Aspects: Two magnets Magnetic Field Magnetic Gradient Superparamagnetic beads Surface Molecules

7 suspension of microspheres molecular layer transparent substrate NSNS CCD objective mirror layer modified with ligands layer modified with protein force Experiment design: Working View 7 Design of Magnetic Tweezers

8 Negative Control: No inhibitor on the surface time F F beads settle magn. wash @ 1 pN beads settle magn. wash @ 1 pN data collection @ 12 pN ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Beads and surfaces coated with Bovine Carbonic anhydrase and sulfonamide inhibitor 8 Dissociation of CA-sulfonamide complexes:

9  Calibrating design: Side View Square capillary with suspension of microspheres NSNS CCD force 9

10  Force calculations using Stoke’s drag equation: ◦ Calibrate:  Distance between the core of the electromagnet and paramagnetic beads  Current flowing through the coil of the magnet  Example: ◦ Time it takes bead to move vertically 0.5mm = 3.46s ◦ Velocity of bead (v) = 0.1445 mm/s ◦ Fluid’s viscosity (u)= 0.998 mPa s ◦ Radius of bead (r) = 1.5 um ◦ Drag Force = 4.07379 pN  Gravitational Force ~ 0.3 pN FdFd FgFg 10 FMFM

11 Objectives  Design and fabricate magnetic tweezers that is capable of achieving forces up to 100pN ◦ Current design can achieve 2pN ◦ Consist of a single magnet  Introduce illumination for bright-field transmission microscopy

12 Methods  Using Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) to predict the geometries of the magnet and that will produce the largest possible field gradients  Machine and assemble the design that will produce the largest field gradients  Calibrate the magnet so it is ready for data acquisition

13  Open source finite element analysis software package for solving electromagnetic problems.  Good for processing: ◦ 2D planar and Axisymmetric problems ◦ Magnet ◦ Electrostatic ◦ Heat and Current Flow  It is a simple, accurate, and low computational cost freeware product, popular in science and engineering.  Reliability comparable to commercial software  Referenced in several Journals  Used by several reputable societies  IEEE Magnetics  UK and Japan Magnetics

14  A) Characteristics of Magnets  Core size  Tip shape  B) Double Magnet Runs  Test FEMM reliability  Core, Shape, and Angle  C) Core Material  Mu metal  D) Coil Manipulation  Increasing the number of coils  Changing their location  Looking at how these characteristics affect the magnetic gradient ¼ inch 1.5 inch 1/8 inch

15  Small vs Big Core Iron 0.25 in 0.5 in 1.5 in 0.37 in 0.75 in 1.25 in Iron CoilCore  Small core gave better uniform magnetic gradient

16  Magnetic field and Magnetic gradient

17  Tip Shape Angle 161.8 0 76 0 45.2 0 Arc Angle 30 0 45 0 60 0 90 0 Concave 30 0 45 0 60 0 90 0 θ Length Small: 0.01mm Medium: 0.08mm Large: 0.15  Flat showed best results  Second best was tip with angle of 161.8 0

18  Whatever characteristics of single magnet we don’t want to blindly assume are the same for double magnets ◦ Ex: Flat small has better magnetic gradient but this does not mean that Flat small gives better gradient with double magnets so we run double magnets  Reliability of FEMM through comparison of single and double results

19 A) Small double vs Big double B) Small double with Shapes (tip, arc, concave)  180 0 shows best results C) Changing angle (60 0, 90 0,180 0 ) θ θ = 15 0 θ = 45 0 θ = 60 0 2mm

20  Mu Metal vs Iron  Different tip shapes  Double vs Single  Angle  Tips  The Small Mu Metal flat magnet showed the best results in single and double magnet runs Mu Metal 0.25 in 0.5 in 1.5 in

21  Testing to see how coil manipulation effects the magnetic field  Increasing the number of coils  Location of the coil A) C)B)

22 70 0


24 Overall Design Light source DC power supply CCD camera Stage Reflect mirror Objective lens Stage adjuster Magnet

25 StageStage Manipulator

26 Magnet Mirror

27  Objective:  Verify that flat tip shows the best results  Prove that the tip gives the largest magnetic field gradient values at very short distances.  Tested different tips  Flat  Cylinder  Tip  Parameters ◦ Voltage: 3v, 6v, 12v ◦ Current: 0.1 Amps ◦ Distance:  0-.5mm (0.1mm increments) .5-3.1mm (0.2mm increments)

28 Magnetometer Probe Tip Magnet Adjustments Knobs DC power supply Scotch Tape

29 G vs LengthdG/dL vs Length 1Gauss = 1 x 10 -4 Tesla (B)

30 B vs LengthdB/dL vs Length

31  Finished experimenting on magnet characteristics to obtain greatest magnetic field gradient.  Fabricated majority of the device setup  Performed trial runs on single magnet with different tips to verify certain trends

32  Ship final magnetic design with the material to the Robert M. Hadley Company.  Locate homogeneous field  Experiment with horizontal distance with very small increments  Capability: 100 th of a mm  Start working with beads ◦ Velocity measurements ◦ Force measurements


34  Dr. Valentine Vullev  Dr. Sharad Gupta  Dr. Hyle Park  Dr. Jerome Schultz  Gokul Upadhyayula  Hong Xu

35  1) Neuman, Keri C, and Nagy, Attila. “Single-molecule force spectroscopy: optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers and atomic force microscopy.” Nature Publishing Group Vol. 5, NO. 6. June 2008.  2) Danilowicz, Claudia, Greefield, Derek and Prentiss, Mara. “Dissociation of Ligand-Receptor Complexes Using Magnetic Tweezers.” Analytical Chemistry Vol. 77, No. 10. 15 May. 2005.  3) Humphries; David E., Hong; Seok-Cheol, Cozzarelli; Linda A., Pollard; Martin J., Cozzarelli; Nicholas R. “Hybrid magnet devices fro molecule manipulation and small scale high gradient-field applications”. United States Patent and Trademark Office, An Agency of The United States Department of Commerce.. January 6, 2009.  4) Ibrahim, George; Lu, Jyann-Tyng; Peterson, Katie; Vu, Andrew; Gupta, Dr. Sharad; Vullev, Dr. Valentine. “Magnetic Tweezers for Measuring Forces.” University of California Riverside. Bioengineering Senior Design June 2009.  5) Startracks Medical, “Serves Business, Education, Government and Medical Facilities Worldside.” American Solution., Inc. Copyright 2003.  5) Startracks Medical, “Serves Business, Education, Government and Medical Facilities Worldside.” American Solution., Inc. Copyright 2003.

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