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Dan Wright Developing Algorithms for Computational Comparative Diachronic Historical Linguistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Dan Wright Developing Algorithms for Computational Comparative Diachronic Historical Linguistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dan Wright Developing Algorithms for Computational Comparative Diachronic Historical Linguistics

2 Historical Linguistics ● Historical linguistics is the study of how language changes over time. ● Languages split into groups, forming a hierarchy or web of languages, each related to its ancestors ● All changes in language are completely regular, so they can be analyzed and to a degree discovered from the current state of the descendant languages.

3 Phonetics ● The fundamental unit of language is the phoneme. ● In order to analyze language, one must first devise a method to deal with phonemes. ● Phonemes can be classified on five axes, using the separations of the International Phonetic Alphabet.

4 Phoneme Categorization

5 Phoneme Storage Vowels Roundedness Openness Frontness Offset Consonants Voicedness Place of Articulation Method of Articulation Not used Vowel or Consonant

6 Correspondence ● My first attempts to analyze the web- structures of languages was by measuring correspondence between languages. ● I ran lists of words through algorithms which measured how much certain phonemes and axial structures matched up. ● I attempted to build a web of languages from the bottom up, connecting languages through correspondence.

7 ● But there is a better way!

8 From the Top Down! ● My second approach to web formation was to start with all of the languages in one organization. ● I then separated them into languages which are more related to each other than a regressed hypothetical ancestor language. ● This was recursively applied to the new families.

9 Conclusion ● My top-down approach was able to somewhat reliably separate languages into their actual categories based on phonetics alone.


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