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GameGibbon Video Game review website. With a particular focus on mobile platforms. CISC 3140 Lab1 James Treiblcock Franscisco Sierra Steven Malts Yuliya.

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Presentation on theme: "GameGibbon Video Game review website. With a particular focus on mobile platforms. CISC 3140 Lab1 James Treiblcock Franscisco Sierra Steven Malts Yuliya."— Presentation transcript:

1 GameGibbon Video Game review website. With a particular focus on mobile platforms. CISC 3140 Lab1 James Treiblcock Franscisco Sierra Steven Malts Yuliya Novikava Simon Kravtsov

2 Overall Site design style (high level) Site will have an overall design similar to a social networking site in which users will have the ability to leave reviews and rate games. Each user will be able to sign in and control certain personal aspects of their account (picture, email, other contact info). Users will have to signup in order to review games and rate games. Users may rate a game only once. Guest users may view ratings and browse the site. They may not leave comments or rate games. Optional - May want to add integration with other popular social networking sites to increase popularity. Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. Users will be able to sign in with accounts from other sites.

3 Main (Home) Page Log in Bar. Standard log-in name and password text boxes. When the user logs in this bar should update to show the users log in status. Site will have to remember if you are logged in. If you are logged in you have permission to leave comments and rate games. Browsing Bar. This location will be organized into different game platforms on the site (Android, iPhone, Windows, etc.). The game platforms will have submenus which classify game genres. It will also have a link back to the home page. Large area will have artwork with links to the Game page (next slide). The artwork may be game logos or small screenshots of games. These will continuously change as new games are added and rated. This area should be displayed with good artistic ideas in mind. Perhaps there could even be some classification on this page. A section of “hot games” with the best ratings. Another section with “Brand new” games.

4 Game Page Each game on the site will have its own dedicated page. If a user is logged in he/she will be able to leave comments and Rate the game. Log in bar. Will show the users log in status. If the user is not logged in it will show log in box and password box. Game detail Section. This section will show detailed information about the game. It may be long for some more complex games or short for more simple games. It will contain high resolution screenshots and detailed information about how the game is played. Could contain links to Demos or actual games. Information in this section will be technical and non-partisan. It will be provided by the site administrators. Will also show games rating. Review/Feedback Section. This area will be for registered users of the site. In this section users may leave moderately long comments (Limited amount of words) and rate the game using a site wide rating system. This section should have a link to a Game Discussion Page. *Note – if this section becomes very long it will spill over on to another page. Browsing bar.

5 Details of Review Sections Users can leave moderately long comments. Comments should be limited in amount of text that can be left. There will be a link to a discussion page which will let users give more detailed information about games. Users who leave comments will have a link to this section in which they will be able to edit their detailed discussion. The user rating of the game will also be shown in this section. Rating will be a whole number. This number contributes to site-wide rating of game. Other users will be able to flag inappropriate comments. If comments build up they will spill over to a new page (pages). Should have a filter which changes order of the reviews based on newest reviews, or highest rated reviews.

6 Detailed Discussion page Detailed discussion page will be similar to the review section except users will be able to leave embedded pictures/screenshots and longer comments where they can discuss problems, strategies, cheats, etc.

7 Game Platform Page Log in bar. Status This area will show various Genres and screen shots of Games which link to game pages Browser bar

8 Users Personal Page Log in bar This area shows various personal information about the user that can be modified. Users can change their picture, email, contact information, instant messenger names. Also should have a place where the user can put favorite games or favorite genres. Browser bar

9 Site Flow Chart Main (Home) Page Game Pages Detailed Discussion page Game Platform pages Meta items/pages Users personal page Log-in bar

10 User Flow Chart

11 Server Flow Chart

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