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Status Overview Screen: Action Links December 2009 36 Set Preferences (navigation options) Request Exemption (pull-down list provided for reason for exemption)

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Presentation on theme: "Status Overview Screen: Action Links December 2009 36 Set Preferences (navigation options) Request Exemption (pull-down list provided for reason for exemption)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status Overview Screen: Action Links December 2009 36 Set Preferences (navigation options) Request Exemption (pull-down list provided for reason for exemption)

2 Status Overview Screen December 2009 37 The Status page shows all the sections of the report and the completion status of each section.

3 UDS Report Status Table December 2009 38 A [+] or [-] appears for tables that are in both the universal and the grant reports (i.e., Tables 3A, 3B, 4, 5 and 6A) and for Table 7, which has three pages. 508 Compliant!

4 UDS Report Status Table December 2009 39 StatusDenotes Not Started All the reports of a Table are initially in the ‘Not Started’ status. Navigating to the Table from the side menu link or by clicking on the ‘Update’ link in the report status, will update the status of the page to ‘In Progress’ In Progress The page will remain in this status until all the data has been entered and has been saved. The data on the page will be saved as long as there are no errors on the page Completed Once you have entered all the data within each page and there are no errors on the page, the page status will be changed to ‘Completed’ Validated For Tables that have grant specific reports (i.e. Tables 3a, 3b, 4, 5 and 6a), the page will change to ‘Validated’ if there are no errors between the universal and the grant specific reports. For all other Tables, the pages will move to ‘Validated’ as soon as its status changes to ‘Completed’ Overall completion status of a table depends on the completion status of the individual reports for that table. Click Update to open a page for editing You can update any page, even those marked ‘Completed’ or ‘Validated.’ Doing so may cause the status to revert to ‘In Progress.’

5 Contact Information Screen December 2009 40 Project Director information is pre-populated from user account information in the EHBs Click Add to enter information for other contacts You must provide a UDS Contact. This is the person to whom the reviewer will turn if there are questions about the data

6 Service Area Information December 2009 41 Click Add to enter zip codes and patients Note that each UDS Table has a Table Comments section that allows you to explain unique situations associated with the data reported.

7 Service Area Information December 2009 42 Enter zip code and patient data. You can enter up to ten sets of zip code and patient data at a time. Click Save to save the data. Zip codes that have been entered appear here. Check to ensure there are no duplicates. Click this button after you have saved the data and you are ready to continue.

8 Service Area Information December 2009 43 For these two rows, enter the data here Check boxes to select one or more rows and then click the appropriate button to update or delete the data Options to Import Zip Codes

9 Options for Importing ZIP Codes December 2009 44 Importing ZIP Code data from your prior UDS Year Service Area Information Importing ZIP Code data from your Change in Scope data

10 Tables in the Universal and Grant Reports December 2009 45 This tab indicates the current report for tables in both the universal and the grant reports (i.e., Tables 3A, 3B, 4, 5 and 6A). Use this dropdown list to access the other reports for this table. Choose the report from the list and click Go.

11 Table Error Messages December 2009 46 When data entry produces errors, an advisory appears at the top of the page. Fields where errors occur are highlighted.

12 Error Message Symbols December 2009 47 Symbol Denotes Critical Error. This kind of error must be corrected in order for the system to save your data. If one or more errors of this kind appear on the page and are not corrected, the system will not save the data entered after the last successful save. Regular Error. This kind of error will let you save the data, but with these errors existing on the page, the system will not change the status of a page to ‘Complete’. If these errors occur between the Universal and Grant specific reports, the system will not change the status of the Table to ‘Validated’ until you correct them. Exception. This denotes either a discrepancy or an inconsistency in the data entered in the reports. Exceptions in the report will be shown to you when you execute the Data Audit Report. These need to either be corrected or justified. Information. This is a note to alert you to any important information on your report Success Message. This denotes that a particular process has been executed successfully. This can appear anytime data is successfully saved or submitted.

13 2009 UDS: Table 3A December 2009 48 ABC CHC, Inc. When you click the Mark as Complete button, the screen will list fields that are missing data. This screen will have a Confirm Mark as Complete button which when clicked will run the data validation checks on the data entered on this table including comparisons between grant level reports and universal reports (e.g., if you report more patients on your grant level report than your universal UDS Table report, it will indicate a validation error). If there are no validation errors, the system will mark the Table as Validated on the Status Overview Screen.

14 Example of Providing a Reason for Not Reporting December 2009 49

15 2009 UDS: Table 3B December 2009 50 ABC CHC, Inc. 012340 Note changes to Table 3B layout for 2009 System calculates this subtotal Many of the UDS Tables have Save buttons that allow you to save the data entered in a section of the table

16 2009 UDS: Table 4 December 2009 51 Patients by Income as Percent of Poverty Level Patients by Principle Third Party Medical Insurance Source Managed Care Utilization Special Population Patients ABC CHC, Inc. 012340

17 2009 UDS: Table 5 December 2009 52 Click to hide data ABC CHC, Inc. 012340 Reduces the Medical Care Services category to one line to provide more space on the screen Click to enter data Expands the Medical Care Services category to show its data fields

18 2009 UDS: Table 6A December 2009 53 Visits and Patients by Primary Diagnosis Categories Visits and Patients by Selected Service Categories ABC CHC, Inc. 012340

19 2009 UDS: Table 6B December 2009 54 Section A – Age Categories for Prenatal Patients “We do not currently provide perinatal/prenatal services” Section B – Trimester of Entry into Prenatal Care Section C – Childhood Immunizations Section D – Pap Test ABC CHC, Inc. 012340

20 2009 UDS: Table 7 December 2009 55 This report has 3 Sections: Section A: Deliveries and Birth Weight by Race/Ethnicity Section B: Hypertension by Race/Ethnicity Section C: Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity

21 2009 UDS: Table 7 (continued) December 2009 56 Section B: Hypertension by Race/Ethnicity

22 2009 UDS: Table 7 (completed) December 2009 57 Section C: Diabetes by Race/Ethnicity

23 2009 UDS: Table 8A December 2009 58

24 2009 UDS: Table 9D December 2009 59

25 2009 UDS: Table 9E December 2009 60

26 Report Comments Screen December 2009 61 “… if you want to share any information with the reviewer of your report …” Reviewer comments will appear here Add comments here

27 Data Audit Report Screen and Report December 2009 62 Print Edits button produces a printed report of the errors found in the UDS Table Reports

28 Data Audit Report Screen December 2009 63 Explaining why reported data does not satisfy the system edit checks

29 Data Audit Report Screen December 2009 64 Example of the ‘Explained’ view Example of the ‘Show All view

30 Data Audit Report Screen December 2009 65 Your goal is to achieve a UDS Report with “no Edits”

31 Review Screen December 2009 66 Use this button to print all your UDS Tables Use these View links to view/print individual UDS Tables

32 Submit Screen December 2009 67

33 Submit Screen December 2009 68 View Report link takes you back to the Review Screen

34 Final Submission Verification Screen December 2009 69 Print this page button

35 Resources December 2009 70 ResourceTypePurpose Electronic Handbooks URL. Video Audio/visual presentation for EHBs registration, adding grants to your portfolio, project director registration and accessing the grant handbook. guidance Online version of BPHC’s UDS 2009 Reporting Manual Phone: 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772; 301-998-7373 (9:00 AM to 5:30 PM ET M-F) Email: Phone and/or E-mail System help by phone or via e-mail. Do not use this for program questions. Call 1-866-UDS-HELP (1-866-837-4357) or email Or call the BPHC Help Desk at 1-301-443-7356 or email Phone and/or E-mail Program help by phone or e-mail.

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