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Building up to WWII. 1920s ► Worldwide depression – period of rising unemployment and low economic activity.

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1 Building up to WWII

2 1920s ► Worldwide depression – period of rising unemployment and low economic activity

3 Totalitarianism ► Rising dictators claimed that they could solve the problems of the depression by setting up totalitarian government – absolute power, the state controls every area of life Video!! ► KoM5s&safe=active KoM5s&safe=active KoM5s&safe=active

4 Italy ► Economic unrest after WWI – strikes/ fear of Communists taking over ► Benito Mussolini – first person to set up a totalitarian government ► used Treaty of Versailles and Italy’s economic problems to gain power ► Founded the Fascist party using the fears of the middle class

5 Rise of Fascism ► Totalitarian government that is not Communist ► Leader = dictator – has complete control over government ► State is more important than individuals = strong central government that controls: 1. Economy 2. How owners run business and land 3. Mass media (newspapers, radios, movies – censored) 4. Propaganda – used to brainwash people into believing what gov. says

6 Soviet Union ► Joseph Stalin came to power in late 1920s ► Wanted the Soviet Union to become an industrial nation ► Focused industry on making steal, machines, weapons, farm and transportation equipment

7 Stalin’s purges to promote Communism ► Ended private ownership, set quotas for production ► Peasants rebelled – Stalin used force to end resistance – sent them to labor camps = famine followed ► Arrested those who disagreed with him – tried and sentenced to death

8 Soviet Society ► Used propaganda to promote the Soviet Union and encourage people to work harder/produce more ► Encouraged nationalism and suspicion of western countries ► Eliminated religion "To have more, we must produce more. To produce more, we must know more”

9 Hitler and Nazi Germany ► Conditions were ideal for Hitler to take over Germany – Germans were angered by their treatment at the Paris Peace Conference ► Hitler joined the Nazi Party and set out to make them the most powerful political parts in Germany ► Hitler appealed to: 1. nationalists: promised to stop Germany’s payment for WWI 2. business leaders, and landowners: promised security from Communism

10 Hitler’s rise to power ► 1933 – Hitler became chancellor because Nazis won majority of seats in the German Parliament ► He acted quickly to keep his power – had Parliament suspend constitution = he no longer needed legislation to make laws ► Became dictator – Der Fuhrer (the leader)

11 The Nazi Government ► Only political party allowed = Nazi (no challengers) ► Labor Unions banned ► Used terror and propaganda to keep control ► Gestapo = secret police ► Anyone who opposed – sent to concentration camp – type of prison camp ► Government set up massive work projects to employ people ► New Empire = Third Reich ► Video!! How did Hitler do all of this?? ist=PLE8B3A617C9716740&feature=results_main&safe=ac tive ist=PLE8B3A617C9716740&feature=results_main&safe=ac tive

12 Anti- Semitism ► prejudice, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their heritage ► Hitler developed a theory that Germans descended from an Aryan race – master race = Jews in Germany endangered purity of that race ► Also blamed Jews for most of Germany’s problems

13 Anti-Semite Goals ► Drive all Jews out of Germany ► Lead to genocide – murder of all members of an ethnic group ► 1935 – Nuremberg Laws - stripped German Jews of citizenship, forced them to wear yellow stars ► November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) Nazis used violence of a Jew against a German to attack Jewish people – 100 Jews murdered, 30,000 sent to camps Video!! safe=active safe=active

14 Trouble with Japan ► Emperor ruled Japan, but military leaders made most of the decisions ► Lacked many necessary natural resources and markets for goods – Government expanded into Asia to get control of resources and sell its goods ► 1931 – took control of Manchuria ► by 1937, Japan and China were fighting a full scale war Video!! Sg38&safe=active Sg38&safe=active

15 Intro to WWII Video!! ► wT7nE&safe=active wT7nE&safe=active wT7nE&safe=active

16 Germany on the march ► Hitler ignored the Treaty of Versailles and defied the League of Nations 1. Created air force and expanded army 2. Sent a German army into the Rhineland (zone along Germany’s border that they were not allowed to enter) ► League did nothing

17 Looking the other way… ► France and GB protested Hitler rearming the Rhineland ► France wanted to fight, but GB would not help – this was the beginning of Great Britain’s policy of appeasement – giving in to the demands of a hostile person or group the keep the peace

18 Expansion of Germany ► Hitler sent in troops in to Austria – proclaimed it a part of Germany ► Next on his list was Czechoslovakia (created by the Treaty of Versailles) ► Sudetenland = German region of Czechoslovakia

19 Munich Conference ► 1938 – British and French met with Hitler – again gave in to him and agreed that Hitler could take control of the Sudetenland ► In return – Hitler promised not to take any more of Czechoslovakia ► Following spring, he went back on his promise… surprise, surprise

20 WAR! ► September 1939 – Germany invades Poland ► Great Britain and France declare war on Germany Video!! Video!! com/watch?v=5Y9 NexpibEo com/watch?v=5Y9 NexpibEo

21 What about the US? ► Isolationism – the belief that US should stay out of Europe’s problems Video!! P8w&safe=active P8w&safe=active

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