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Position Maintenance Unbalanced Accounts SubClass Summary Trade Lot Editor.

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2 Position Maintenance Unbalanced Accounts SubClass Summary Trade Lot Editor

3 Position Maintenance: All trade editing will be done in this section. Filter positions by -Account type -Account number -All positions vs positions with trades -SubClass -Positions with Edits only Use the ‘R’ button to reset filters to default Editing Click a position and enter the value to trade, then click Save Changes. The ‘U’ button will automatically adjust the current value of the trade by the Unbalanced amount of the related account. Enter a negative value for a sell, or enter a positive value and hit the ‘+/-’ button to reverse the value. ‘Sell All’ sells the entire highlighted position. Easily cancel proposed trades and undo edits. Click Trade Lots to select specific lots to sell.

4 Unbalanced Accounts: When the Buys and Sells in an account don’t net out to zero, an Unbalanced amount will be listed here. In addition, this section is used to buy a new security that is not yet held in an account. The ‘U’ button here and in the Positions section will automatically fill in the value boxes with the Unbalanced amount for the selected account. The ‘U’ button will also adjust an amount that you have already entered up or down by the Unbalanced amount.

5 SubClass Summary: The SubClass specific data in this section updates on the fly as you edit trades. The Reset button will change all trades back to what they were when you entered the Edit Trades screen. This will effectively undo all edits you have made. Once Editing is complete, click Save to make sure all Unbalanced amounts are reconciled, then Exit back to the Trade Proposals screen. The Constraints, Cash, Notes and Workflow buttons each bring you to the same screens you can view from the previous Trade Proposal screen.

6 Trade Lot Editor Clicking a trade lot will automatically fill in the full value. Click Sell to sell the entire selected trade lot or adjust the amount to sell just a portion of it. Click Back to return to the Edit Trades screen.

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