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 Have you ever been to a foreign country?  One of the most important things to do when visiting another country is to exchange currency.  For example,

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2  Have you ever been to a foreign country?  One of the most important things to do when visiting another country is to exchange currency.  For example, one United States dollar equals 1535.10 Lebanese Pounds.

3  Whenever you exchange currency, you are utilizing the scientific method of dimensional analysis.

4  Dimensional analysis is a problem-solving method that uses the idea that any number or expression can be multiplied by one without changing its value.  It is used to go from one unit to another.

5  A conversion factor, or a fraction that is equal to one, is used, along with what you’re given, to determine what the new unit will be.

6  What happens when you divide a number by itself?  What happens when you divide a unit by itself?  In both cases, you get the number 1.  Dimensional analysis involves multiplication and division.


8 1. Start with the given value. 2. Write the multiplication symbol. 3. Choose the appropriate conversion factor. 4. The problem is solved by multiplying the given data & their units by the appropriate unit factors so that the desired units remain. 5. Remember, cancel like units.

9  You can write any conversion as a fraction.  Be careful how you write that fraction.  For example, you can write 60 s = 1 min as 60s or 1 min 1 min 60 s

10  To convert between units:  Figure out what CONVERSION FACTOR you need to perform your calculation  There are 12 inches in 1 foot  12 inches or 1 foot 1 foot 12 inches

11 1. Suppose there are 12 slices of pizza in one pizza. How many slices are in 7 pizzas? Given: 7 pizzas Want: # of slices Conversion: 12 slices = one pizza

12 7 pizzas 1  Check your work… X 12 slices 1 pizza = 84 slices

13 2. How old are you in days? Given: 17 years Want: # of days Conversion: 365 days = one year

14  Check your work… 17 years 1 X 365 days 1 year = 6052 days

15  Most problems are not simple one-step solutions. Sometimes, you will have to perform multiple conversions.  Example: How old are you in hours? Given: 17 years Want: # of days Conversion #1: 365 days = one year Conversion #2: 24 hours = one day

16  Check your work… 17 years 1 X 365 days 1 year X 24 hours 1 day = 148,920 hours

17 1 foot = _____ inches 1 meter = _____ centimeters 1 pound = _______ ounces 1 minute = ______ seconds 1 hour = ________ minutes 12 100 16 60

18 Inches to feet Minutes to hours Meters to centimeters

19  Dimensional Analysis can also be used for combination units.  Like converting km/h into cm/s.  Write the fraction in a “clean” manner: km/h becomes km h

20 › Kilo  So 1 km = 1000 m › Centi › So 100 cm = 1 m › Milli  So 1000 mm = 1m  Be able to use a chart for the others!

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