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First, let’s discuss Friedman “It’s a Flat World” What does he mean by “flat world?” How did this happen? What does this mean for the future? On your graphic.

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Presentation on theme: "First, let’s discuss Friedman “It’s a Flat World” What does he mean by “flat world?” How did this happen? What does this mean for the future? On your graphic."— Presentation transcript:

1 First, let’s discuss Friedman “It’s a Flat World” What does he mean by “flat world?” How did this happen? What does this mean for the future? On your graphic organizer, summarize four of his main points in the four boxes. Briefly discuss as a class. Now, we are going to explore a counterview….

2 Piece by piece reading. Everyone will be assigned a section of a reading. You will read your assigned section individually, taking any notes as you wish. Once everyone has read their “piece” of the reading, we will go around the room and everyone will volunteer one bit of information from their section. When we are finished we will have a summary of the article and in a way, we all will have “read” it without “reading” it.

3 So, what do I read? The number that you are assigned is the article section that you read. Article “Globalization and It’s Contents” 1.Intro (pages 68 to top of 70). 2.Working Less, Producing More 3.A Thriving Middle Class 4.Measuring Inequality 5.Potholes on the Road to Globalization 6.Preparing for the Best, Not the Worst Article “Why the World Isn’t Flat” 7. Intro and the 10 Percent Presumption 8.A Strong National Defense 9.Turning Back the Clock.

4 Globalization Definition: Example: Friedman Negatives Ghemawat Positives

5 Globalization and Its ContentsWorking Less, Producing More A Thriving Middle Class Measuring InequalityPotholes on the Road to GlobalizationPreparing for the Best, Not the Worst

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