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VDSL Statistics Tool Eli Gur Eliad Young Mark Shifrin Instructors: Itzhik Ashkenazi, BATM Itai Dabran, Technion.

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Presentation on theme: "VDSL Statistics Tool Eli Gur Eliad Young Mark Shifrin Instructors: Itzhik Ashkenazi, BATM Itai Dabran, Technion."— Presentation transcript:

1 VDSL Statistics Tool Eli Gur Eliad Young Mark Shifrin Instructors: Itzhik Ashkenazi, BATM Itai Dabran, Technion

2 Project Goals IN this project we will build a tool that gets loop statistics: SNR (Signal / Noise Ratio), Errors, Current Power of Signal, from the NTU and the LTU. we Connected to the LTU or NTU via its UART interface, using Win COM port API of Windows NT. The project was designed so it will be possible to add to it a tool for adjusting the modems configuration in order to find the best working parameters.

3 Project Software Architecture *** *** Based on MFC DOC-View Architecture

4 Application and Sources The source Code – a Microsoft visual c++, Version 6 project. download: The Application – an executable file. download: vdsl.exevdsl.exe

5 documentation Download the first report - the Top Level Design of the project download: vdsl.docvdsl.doc Download this presentation as a PowerPoint file. download: vdsl.pptvdsl.ppt Download the user manual. download: vdsl_manual.docvdsl_manual.doc

6 Graphic user interface Power Graph SNR GraphErrors Graph Control Panel

7 Back Allow the user to select which Comport he is using (COM1\ COM2). The user can Start and stop sampling. The user can watch status message.

8 Power Graph Back The Power values will be read in order to present the graph in a different time points, at a constant frequency. The Data will be read from the following stats registers: TX_POWER_L, TX_POWER_H, which comes for the transmitted PSD level lower and higher byte, respectively.

9 (Signal / Noise Ratio) Graph Back The Sound to Noise Ratio must be calculated from 3 sequential registers: SNRCON_L, SNRCON_M, SNRCON_H, which comes for the lower, medium and higher bytes respectively. The formula used for the calculation is as follows:

10 RS Graph Back The Reed-Solomon errors will be read from the registers and simply calculated, by merging the 4 read bytes to the final number. No special formula calculating needed, as their values appear in the memory is already final. The Reed-Solomon error counter is zeroed each time upon reading by the counter, and the time intervals of sampling this value a reasonable according to this restriction.

11 Serial Communication In SerialComm class there is a wrap of the Win COM port API of Windows NT Most of the functions do the same as the traditional Communication function of windows but are adjusted to the use as accustom for the NTU and LTU devices. The functions are different in the way some of them can receive less parameters then the original ones, If by default value assign to parameter that the user didn't assign his own, Or by narrowing the implementation only for Serial Communication with NonOverlapped I/O. Back

12 Device Will be used in order to read from the devices. Have a member variable of the class Serial Communication which is used in order to communicate the modems using their UART interface. Also the Device can be set to be connected to either one of the modems – the user can set it to the local modem (the one directly connected to the rs232 cable, or to the remote modem, the user can also chose to work with the NTU or the LTU without knowing to which one he is directly connected. Back

13 Document Will hold an instance of Device and will be responsible for asking the device for the wanted data, once the data arrives the Doc activates the View so the new data will be displayed. The Doc is implemented working with loops that initiates the data queries once per time-cycle, defined in the calling functions, different time-cycles will be set for each parameter. The Doc will have a Writer responsible writing all data from the Device to files in a binary format. Back

14 View Presents the data from the devices in a graph model: Graph representation - a set of the last period data in a graph of data versus time, There will be three graphs - we shell present the SNR (Signal / Noise Ratio) the SR and the Current Power in this mode, both NTU and LTU values for each parameter are located on the same graph. Back

15 Graph SpectrumGraphis a class that provides multiplot 2D data visualization. SpectrumGraph class is derived from CMDIChildWnd MFC class and could be used as a base class for different kinds of 2D data plot views. The SpectrumGraph class displays 2 graphs in one window frame using the same Axis, thus Enabling us to present both the NTU & LTU results in one frame for each parameter (SNR, POWER, RSERROR). Moreover, the graph also presents the maximum values of the Y-Axis of each device(NTU & LTU) through time. Another feature is the ability to get the Y-Axis value on each point of the graph by holding down the right- button of the mouse. Back

16 Dialog For now the Dialog is an internal part of the View, if the project will be extended to allow the user more control on the modem – we recommend that a separate dialog class will be allocate for it. Allow the user to select which Comport he is using (COM1\ COM2). The user can Start and stop sampling. The user can watch status message.

17 UDP Client and Server In order to create a lot of traffic over the NTU-LTU communication we supply a client and a server programs supplied by Microsoft: Simple TCP/UDP server using Winsock 1.1. This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. Download: Simple TCP/UDP client using Winsock 1.1. This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. Download:

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