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“Tree Bién ” Seedling Nursery By Shauna Gosselin, Tabitha Loyns, Mark Clements and Kris Kotzer.

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Presentation on theme: "“Tree Bién ” Seedling Nursery By Shauna Gosselin, Tabitha Loyns, Mark Clements and Kris Kotzer."— Presentation transcript:


2 “Tree Bién ” Seedling Nursery By Shauna Gosselin, Tabitha Loyns, Mark Clements and Kris Kotzer

3 Introduction n Our main focus will be on the production of tree seedlings, thus helping to sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through capturing heat from the Rosetown natural gas compressor station, SaskEnergy will be reducing its waste heat and carbon emissions, and the greenhouse will be more efficient in heat costs.

4 Mission Statement  to provide high quality low cost nursery products to suit customer needs and concerns while addressing environmental issues

5 Goals and Objectives n to set up a greenhouse in conjunction with recycled energy from a SaskEnergy compressor station n to provide a competitive number of tree seedlings to the marketplace n to establish and maintain contacts for the sale of tree seedlings n to maintain profitability in all aspects of business management

6 Operations Plan

7 Marketing Plan n The marketing plan can be divided into two sections; the market analysis and the marketing strategy.

8 The market analysis will be broken into the following segments: n The Market n Competition n Customers n Target Markets n Product Features n The Opportunity

9 The marketing strategy is then composed of: n Sales and profit Objectives n Channels of Distribution n Pricing Policy n Product/Service Mix n Selling and Advertising n Budget

10 Employee Plan

11 Financial Plan n The Financial plan will provide the end result of a “go”/ “no go” plan to build the greenhouse

12 The financial plan will include such items as: n n 5 year projections of balance sheets, income statements and cash flow statements n n operating expenses n salaries, wages n accounts payable and receivable n inventories

13 Conclusion n Through the analysis of these points, we will assess the feasibility of our proposal.

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