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2 What is computer crime? Computer crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime. Cybercrimes are defined as: "Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (Chat rooms, s, notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)". Such crimes may threaten a nation’s security and financial health.

3 Types of computer crimes
Internet Child Pornography Illegal Gambing Identify Theft Storing Illegal information Fraud

4 Internet Child Pornography
Producing, possessing, or distributing images of minors (anyone under the age of 18) engaged in sexual. According to California Penal Code § 311, this California Law is aimed at stopping the flow of child pornography, which can be easily accomplished today by means of the Internet. 

5 Illegal Gambling Games that involve monetary transactions, such as transfers to and from credit cards and bank accounts, are considered illegal, so gamblers cannot legally collect their winnings.

6 Identify Theft Some criminals use the Internet to break into victims' online financial accounts, taking passwords, money and sensitive information.  Others create online centers for trafficking stolen identity information.  People that use birthdays, their children's names and pet names as passwords are typically more at risk for identity theft.

7 Storing Illegal Information
Criminals and pedophiles often use the Internet to obtain and transfer illegal images, such as child pornography.  Other criminals use their computer databases to store illegal information, including confidential intellectual property.

8 Fraud In the digital age, many criminals easily commit fraud against unsuspecting victims by misrepresenting the facts. For example, an employee intentionally inputs false information into the company database or internet.

9 Computer Viruses Computer hackers are digital age criminals that can bring down large infrastructures with a single keystroke emitting a computer virus. These types of viruses are macro or binary.  Macro viruses attack a specific program, while binary viruses attack data or attach to program files.  One of the most famous computer viruses is the Trojan virus.

10 Types of computer crimes
Password Anti-virus software Attachment of Firewall

11 Password Make the length of your password at least five characters. It is too easy for automatic programs to sequentially try all combinations of characters in a password of only 1, 2, 3, or 4 characters.  To make a long password, use a concatenation of two words, each with at least five characters, perhaps separated by one digit (e.g., airplane5style).

12 Anti-virus software It became common to distribute software and updates via downloads from the Internet hackers developed viruses that were delivered inside macros for Microsoft Word, which malicious macros could be hidden inside a document sent by , and hackers developed malicious computer programs that were commonly distributed as attachments to clicking on the attachment executed the malicious computer program and infected the victim's computer.

13 Attachment of e-mail Never open an executable attachment .
Never open any attachment from an unknown source. Be cautious of any attachment that has a double file extension, especially when the rightmost file extension is an executable file type.

14 Firewall It is good practice to erect a "firewall" between parts of a computer system that an external user can access (e.g., via modem or Internet or voice mail) and parts that are supposedly accessible only by a local user. 

15 Conclusion When a criminal perpetrates a crime, his attorney is likely to say that the criminal did everyone a favor by calling attention to lapses in security of computers. It is a criminal defense attorney's job to put the best possible spin on the client's horrible activities. However, recognize that "blaming the victim" for the crime is a cheap shot. Even if the victim behaved in an imprudent way, a victim never invites a crime. 

16 Thank you!

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