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ZOM-01-13 Major Amendment to Arbor Greens PD. Overview Arbor Greens PD site +/- 152 ac Amendment request summary –Extension of buildout date from 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ZOM-01-13 Major Amendment to Arbor Greens PD. Overview Arbor Greens PD site +/- 152 ac Amendment request summary –Extension of buildout date from 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZOM-01-13 Major Amendment to Arbor Greens PD

2 Overview Arbor Greens PD site +/- 152 ac Amendment request summary –Extension of buildout date from 2014 to 2024 –Consolidation of existing 3 development phases into one single phase –Distribution of open space, tree canopy coverage, and vested trips

3 Arbor Greens Community ZOM-01-13 Location Map

4 Arbor Greens Community ZOM-01-13 Aerial Map

5 Arbor Greens Community ZOM-01-13 Zoning

6 Arbor Greens Community. ZOM-01-13 Future Land Use

7 Arbor Greens Community ZOM-01-13 Zoning Master Plan

8 Undeveloped Areas A/B (77.3 ac) D2 (+/-22.4 ac)

9 Applicant Request The applicant is requesting an extension of the Arbor Greens PD build-out date by 10 years, ending in 2024. In addition, the applicant would like to consolidate the existing three (3) phases of development into one (1) phase and distribute open space, tree canopy coverage, and vested trips to development areas as shown on the revised Zoning Master Plan.

10 Amended Conditions Deletion of condition 9(c) –Existing tree canopy retention standards for land use area “D2” (20% PD-wide) Addition of conditions 10-13 –10 through 12 cover transportation concurrency vesting –13 covers buffering requirements

11 Recommended changes to the Zoning Master Plan 1.Amend Note #5 to state, “The DRC is hereby authorized to approve adjustments to the Distribution Table as long as the overall Comprehensive Plan and ULDC requirements are maintained.” 2.Remove “S.F. attached/” from Note #8.

12 9. Parcel 4338-001-000 east of NW 136th Street shall be designed in accordance with the Traditional Neighborhood Development standards of Chapter 407 of the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) with the following modifications: a. The density and intensity standards shall be in accordance with the number of units and square footage approved for the planned development and shown on the zoning master plan. b. The development shall not be subject to the mixed use requirements in Section 407.66(c)3. c.The existing tree canopy retention standards for this portion of the PD shall comply with Section 406.12(a)3 as a TND. 10. Those portions of the Planned Development subject to Phase 1, Unit 1 and Phase 3, Unit 1 Final Development Plans, as denoted on the Zoning Master Plan by Land Use Category “A” and “D1”, have vesting for transportation concurrency. Any development within these areas that is consistent with the approved Final Development Plans has satisfied transportation concurrency and is subject to the Impact Fee schedule attached to this Resolution. This condition replaces all transportation mitigation vesting letters issued on this project to date. 11. The remaining unbuilt portions of the PD identified as Land Use Categories “A/B” and “D2” on the Zoning Master Plan have vesting for transportation concurrency impacts up to 2,935 average annual daily trips as calculated using the Institute of Traffic Engineer’s Trip Generation Manual, 8th Edition. These trips shall be allocated such that Land Use Category “A/B” has 1,229 AADT and Land Use Category “D2” has 1,706. As future phases or units receive Final Development Plan Approval, the available trip bank will be decreased in the appropriate Land Use Category. These vested trips shall be subject to payment of Transportation Impact Fees consistent with the schedule attached to this Resolution. 12. Any development within a Land Use Category beyond the available number of trips listed in Condition 11 shall mitigate its impact utilizing the Multi-Modal Transportation Mitigation Program. 13. The buffers for the eastern boundary of land use area ‘D2’ and the boundary between land use area ‘D2’ and ‘A’ shall be provided consistent with Article 4 of Chapter 407 during the development plan review process. Amended Conditions

13 Staff Recommendation Staff finds the proposed request consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Land Development Code. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the amendment with bases and amended conditions and Zoning Master Plan.

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