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Colonial Period Quiz-Test Review. Colonial Period Review The Colonial Period is also known as the… A) Revolutionary Period B) Age of Politics C) Age of.

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1 Colonial Period Quiz-Test Review

2 Colonial Period Review The Colonial Period is also known as the… A) Revolutionary Period B) Age of Politics C) Age of Reason D) All of the above

3 Colonial Period Review The Colonial/Revolutionary Period was characterized by… The Colonial/Revolutionary Period was characterized by… A) British social influences B) Our fight for independence C) Religion-based literature D) All of the above

4 Colonial Period Review The literature of the period was mostly… The literature of the period was mostly… A) Religious and Plain B) Fiction but Boring C) Political and Utilitarian D) Non-Fiction but Engaging

5 Colonial Period Review This ‘philosophy’ relies on reason to arrive at truth, not the Bible or religion… A) Puritanism B) Rationalism C) Colonialism D) Providence

6 Colonial Period Review Rationalists believed in… A) ‘Free-will’ B) The perfectibility of human beings C) God as the director of the Universe D) A and B

7 Colonial Period Review AKA- “The First True American” A) Thomas Jefferson B) Patrick Henry C) Benjamin Franklin D) William Bradford

8 Colonial Period Review A pseudonym is a(n)… A) Alternative name B) Type of homophone C) Persuasive Appeal D) Aphorism

9 Colonial Period Review Assumed the pseudonym Richard Saunders A) Thomas Jefferson B) Matt Smith C) Patrick Henry D)Benjamin Franklin

10 Colonial Period Review A story of a person’s life written by that person A story of a person’s life written by that person A) Biography B) Autobiography C) Personal narrative D) Historical narrative

11 Colonial Period Review The typical autobiography is written from this point of view… A) 3 rd Person Limited B) 3 rd Person Omniscient C) 1 st Person D) 2 nd Person

12 Colonial Period Review An author writing as an older person looking back reflectively on him or herself… A) Dual Perspective B) Reflective Perspective C) Significant Moment D) 1 st Person Point of View

13 Colonial Period Review The following is NOT a literary technique used in writing an autobiography A) Dual Perspective B) Significant Moment C) 1 st Person Point of View D) None of the above

14 Colonial Period Review In terms of Franklin’s virtues, Temperance means… A) Being kind to friends and strangers alike B) Practicing Moderation C) Organizing one’s affairs D) Being clean in body and mind

15 Colonial Period Review Patrick Henry was born in ____________ during the years of the _______________. A) Boston; Great Migration B) Philadelphia; Declaration of Independence C) Virginia; building of Monticello D) Virginia; Great Awakening

16 Colonial Period Review Patrick Henry is best known for his _____ speech… A) I Have a Dream B) Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death C) Ask Not What You Can Do for Your Country Country D) The Only Thing We Have To Fear

17 Colonial Period Review The purpose of Henry’s speech was for the people of Virginia… The purpose of Henry’s speech was for the people of Virginia… A)To join the colonies in the war against Britain B) To bear arms C) To sign the Declaration of Independence D) To fight the North in the Civil War

18 Colonial Period Review Which of the following does not contain a persuasive technique A) Claim, Support, Rhetorical Question B) Logical Appeal, Emotional Appeal, Ethical Appeal Appeal C) Parallelism, Support, Counter-Argument D) Rhetorical Question, Allusion, Theme

19 Colonial Period Review CONTENT and SHORT ANSWER HINTS Be sure to review the answers to all of the questions from each author excerpt. Be sure to review the answers to all of the questions from each author excerpt. Know what Henry believes will happen if Virginia does not vote to bear arms. Know what Henry believes will happen if Virginia does not vote to bear arms. Know what Jefferson believes in terms of rights and who grants those rights. Know what Jefferson believes in terms of rights and who grants those rights. Know basic information in terms of the way Franklin approached mastering his virtues. Know basic information in terms of the way Franklin approached mastering his virtues.

20 Colonial Period Review Known as ‘The Apostle of Liberty’ A) Thomas Jefferson B) Benjamin Franklin C) Rachel Heckman D) Patrick Henry

21 Colonial Period Review Jeffersonian Democracy holds that… A) The Federal Government should interfere in the state’s ability to govern. B) All states should create their own laws with no interference from the Federal Government. C) States should govern themselves with little interference from the Federal Government.

22 Colonial Period Review The three people who wrote the Declaration of Independence… A) Jefferson, Franklin, Washington B) Franklin, Adams, Jefferson C) Adams, Franklin, Hamilton D) Bertone, Gillespie, Lynch

23 Colonial Period Review The four parts of the Declaration of Independence- in order…. A) Declaration, List of Complaints, Preamble, Conclusion B) List of Complaints, Preamble, Conclusion, Declaration C) Preamble, List of Complaints, Declaration, Conclusion D) Preamble, Declaration, List of Complaints, Conclusion

24 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant treacherous

25 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant warlike

26 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant To control by conquering

27 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Lying down in a manner with the face up

28 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant unbeatable

29 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant alert and watchful

30 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant To skillfully plan or design

31 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant The correction of a wrong or injustice

32 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant To drive forward or force

33 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Government by a ruler with unlimited power

34 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant to destroy completely

35 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Not to be taken away

36 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant wealth

37 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Frivolous or inconsequential

38 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant To give up responsibility for

39 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Random; based on unpredictable decisions

40 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant Constant; never stopping

41 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant

42 Colonial Period Vocab Review contrive eradicate affluence unremitting trifling impel inalienable despotism arbitrary abdicate redress insidious subjugation martial supinely invincible vigilant

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