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T264 Question of the Day What would you do if you were nervous about a project or performance? When I have a performance or project, I can build my self-confidence.

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Presentation on theme: "T264 Question of the Day What would you do if you were nervous about a project or performance? When I have a performance or project, I can build my self-confidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 T264 Question of the Day What would you do if you were nervous about a project or performance? When I have a performance or project, I can build my self-confidence by __________.

2 T265 Who’s Nervous Now? “Did you two choose your music for the piano recital?” asked Mom. “I’ll do it later,” said Nan. She had two whole weeks until the recital. Ned turned the pages of his music book. After much deliberation, he made a decision. “I’m going to start practicing right now,” he said. Nan put off choosing her music. Instead, she spent her time thinking about what other people might play, how she should bow after her performance, and whether she should greet her audience with a big or small smile.

3 T265 Meanwhile, Ned worked hard practicing the piece he had chosen. “You’re just practicing so much because your Nervous Ned,” said Nan. “I never get nervous.” The day before the recital, Nan chose her music. She began to practice, but the piece was too hard. She chose another piece, and that was hard, too. “Mom,” Nan cried, her stomach full of nervous bubbles, “I have to tell Ms. Prince that I can’t play at the recital. I don’t have time to learn my music!” At the recital, Ned felt confident. When he performed, he had fun and he played well. Nan, from her seat in the audience, was surprised. “Wow,” she said. “I guess practice got rid of Nervous Ned!”

4 T266 Suffixes –able, -ible, -less, -ous Remember: The suffixes –able and –ible mean “capable of” The suffix –less means “without” The suffix –ous means “full of”

5 T266 Suffixes –able, -ible, -less, -ous believablereliablecomfortable –Lets pronounce the suffixes in each word. –Notice how the final e in believe was dropped before –able was added. –What spelling change was made in rely to make reliable? –Also notice that no spelling change was made to the root word comfort. –Now lets read the words together.

6 T266 Suffixes –able, -ible, -less, -ous traceable homeless hazardous reversible Divide the words to show the siffixes. Tell how and why (or why not) the root was changed, and finally read the words to yourself.

7 T267 Words with Suffixes Use the following words below to complete each sentence. doablefamouscarelessvarious endlessnervoususelessreliable 1.That broken umbrella is _________. 2.Loud thunder makes Kayla _______. 3.A ________ person cared for our cat while we were away. 4.The long train ride seemed ________. 5.Our class saw _______ animals at the zoo. 6.Try not to make ________ errors in your homework. 7.Jorge met the _______ ball player after the game. 8.That task is ________, and we should finish it on time.

8 T267 Words with Suffixes Use the following words below to complete each sentence. flexiblewashablehelplessterrible valuabledangerouspowerless 1.The babysitter was _______ to stop the baby from crying. 2.It is _______ to run in the street. 3.That old ring is very ________. 4.Ethan felt _______ when he lost his favorite hat. 5.Ming felt ________ when it came to cooking. 6.Are your sneakers _________. 7.The rubber hose is very _________.

9 T268 Let’s get ready to read! Get ready to perform a readers’ theater using the story “The Science Fair”. Think about how the characters might feel. In groups you will each choose a character to read in your group. Remember to read with an appropriate rate and reflect punctuation correctly, including commas and exclamation points. Make sure to read with expression, proper phrasing, and correct pronunciation. Once you have finished practicing, take turns reading your play to another group.

10 T269 Make Predictions (Comprehension) How do good readers make predictions as they read? They think about what they already know and about what they have learned in the story. Listen as I reread the first page of “The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin” on page 100. Use prior knowledge to set a purpose.

11 T269 Comprehension Questions What do you predict Ben will do when he grows up? Become an inventor What details or clues helped you make this prediction? Ben is curious and always thinking; He tries different ways of doing things and has lots of ideas.

12 T269 Independent Practice Copy down the graphic organizer, into your notebook. We are going to make predictions about “The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin” Selection Clues Ben was special, curious, and always thinking. Ben liked to read books and write. I predict Ben will grow up to be a writer and inventor.

13 T270 Build Robust Vocabulary Use the word web as an example to create your own word webs for humor and deliberation. Create a word web for humor and describe amusing things you have seen or heard. Create a web for deliberation and name instances in which you had to think hard to decide something. Give a few more examples of how you could prepare for a project. Preparation Planorganize

14 T271 Building Robust Vocabulary 1.Is there any preparation needed for the task of washing the dishes? 2.What kind of gimmick would an inventive person use in order to get others to help with a chore? Explain. 3.If you sprinkled a spiral of paint on paper, what kind of silly or make-believe animal might your painting look most like? 4.How might a person’s social life change if that person moved abroad?

15 T271 Building Robust Vocabulary 1.If you expand a shallow hole of water, will the hole hold more or less water? Explain. 2.Why might lions give a thorough look for prey every time they leave their den? 3.Are the strands of your hair grainy? Elaborate. 4.If someone erupts in anger, do you think that person reels around the room?

16 T264 Grammar Contractions Contractions are shortened forms of words. They are made by combining two or more words and replacing letters with an apostrophe. A contraction has the same meaning that the original words had. Remember: Subject pronoun contractions combine a subject pronoun and a verb, such as they’re, she’s, and you’ve. Negative verb contractions combine a verb and the word not, such as didn’t, can’t, and wouldn’t. Double negatives, such as don’t have none are incorrect and should not be used.

17 T264 Grammar Irregular Verbs 1.You’s the best dancer. 2.I hasn’t never seen a dance like that. Lets read each sentence aloud. Notice how each sentence has a mistake. Find, explain, and correct each mistake.

18 T273 Checking our Writing Description Make sure that you have spelled words with –able, -ible, -less, and –ous correctly. Look to see if you have used contractions correctly. Remember to check to see if your work has characteristics of a set of directions. Check your work to make sure that it makes sense. Remember to identify paragraphs and use correct capitalization. Remember to use the correct verb tense in every sentence. Check your spelling, punctuation, and main and helping verb usage. Use Editor’s Marks to correct your work. Trade papers with a partner and read their explanation. Make additional revisions and then discuss with your partner their writing.

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