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 Implemented EMu in 2006  Brought together 6 different databases  Did not clean data first  No central standards  Resulting errors needed to be cleaned.

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Presentation on theme: " Implemented EMu in 2006  Brought together 6 different databases  Did not clean data first  No central standards  Resulting errors needed to be cleaned."— Presentation transcript:


2  Implemented EMu in 2006  Brought together 6 different databases  Did not clean data first  No central standards  Resulting errors needed to be cleaned


4  Parties to clean up, merge, delete, parse  Tony Williams party record  Split to show that one was a Photographer

5  Complaints about strange photographers  Bad data creates bad data  Data entry errors?  Punctuation interpreted incorrectly Mrs. H.U. Silleck Roy PhelpsStudy Collection – Dolls? Isabella Edenshaw?

6  Tony William’s party record had been stolen!  By the question mark culprit:


8  Found standalone Party records  Made no sense in context of database


10  3 years later, reviewing legacy data for old loans  Filling in missing information  And I came across an old friend

11 With a Google search…


13  Happily replacing data like a good data manager  But there were unanswered questions



16  Currently cataloguing Fragment collection  Thousands of small pieces of objects  Trying to fill out information

17  Legacy database mimicked storage  But difficult to open  What could EMu tell us?


19  Publication information  Came from several sources  Number of errors




23  Assumptions can lead us down the wrong path  Legacy data is crucial, but not perfect  Use your experience – what else can help?  Document, document, document

24 Kara Lewis Collections Information Program Manager National Museum of the American Indian

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