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MINDFUL ETHICS Margaret Glenn, EdD, CRC Associate Professor & Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counselor Education West Virginia University President, Morgantown.

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Presentation on theme: "MINDFUL ETHICS Margaret Glenn, EdD, CRC Associate Professor & Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counselor Education West Virginia University President, Morgantown."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINDFUL ETHICS Margaret Glenn, EdD, CRC Associate Professor & Coordinator of Rehabilitation Counselor Education West Virginia University President, Morgantown Meditation & Counseling

2 SUMMARY OF ETHICAL STANDARDS OF THE HUMAN SERVICE PROFESSION 1) Professional's responsibility to clients 2) Professional's responsibility to the community and society 3) Professional's responsibility to colleagues 4) Professional's responsibility to the profession 5) Professional's responsibility to employers 6) Professional's responsibility to self

3 CRCC CODE OF ETHICS OPINIONS PROVIDED BY THE ETHICS COMMITTEE What were the most frequently sought opinions? Second Place with 17%? Confidentiality First Place with 54%? Counseling Relationship (28%) Professional Responsibility (26% )

4 OUR DISCUSSION Professional responsibility to the health & welfare of clients/consumers & those associated with their rehabilitation Family Employers Colleagues Community Professional responsibility to profession Responsibility for self care You can’t effectively do one without the other

5 MINDFULNESS Aware of our internal & external world; being present in the current moment


7 OUR THOUGHTS/OUR ENERGY Be responsible for the energy you broadcast Thoughts Heart’s electromagnetic field Gut responses Be responsible for the energy that surrounds you Bring energy? Suck energy? Self care

8 OUR THOUGHTS & STILLNESS Mindful Breathing Meditation Experience


10 CONTEMPLATIVE EXERCISE OUR EFFORTS, OUR ENERGY Write about effort in terms of the kind of effort you exert at home, at work, and in your community. Consider how your life and the quality of your effort affects those with whom you are connected.

11 5 WAYS TO CULTIVATE PEACE AT YOUR DESK Just Breathe Hourly Breath Break Let there be light Natural light not possible? Download circadian lighting software (f.lux) Stop & smell the roses Aromatherapy & switch it up! It IS easy being green Company of plants & flowers= healing, improved relationships, increased energy Lucky bamboo is low maintenance & adaptable to low light Take your ‘Desk’ with you Walking meetings Being in nature = improves memory & attention span by 20%; more accurate, high quality results

12 WORK WELL The Quality of Your Sleep

13 IN PRACTICE Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite wildness of each moment. -Jon Kabat-Zinn


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