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Rosary Academy Love of Self, Love of Others, Love of Learning, Love of God.

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Presentation on theme: "Rosary Academy Love of Self, Love of Others, Love of Learning, Love of God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rosary Academy Love of Self, Love of Others, Love of Learning, Love of God

2 Our Mission Statement “Rosary Academy aims to foster a love of learning and knowledge. We strive for academic and personal excellence. We promote an open-minded community that harbours acceptance and inclusiveness. We foster our students self- worth through their contribution to others and themselves. We encourage our students to have a sense of dignity and respect towards themselves and those around them.”

3 About our School We are a private high school, located in Westmount. We are a school that accepts students from all cultures and of all religions. Our school recognizes and emphasizes the importance of confidence and ethics.

4 About our School We aim to promote a sense of community within and around Rosary Academy through our activities, courses, teachers, fundraisers and students. We value open-mindedness, academics, community and multiculturalism.

5 Our Students Our students are encouraged to let their knowledge and their faith guide their choices and in forming their identities. We believe that fostering a positive learning environment shapes who they are as citizens so we emphasize qualities like confidence, community and compassion within the classroom.

6 Our Students Rosary Academy strives to bestow values of hard work, honesty, confidence, helpfulness, kindness and compassion in our students. We offer after-school activities like chess clubs, robotics, English and French literature circles, and rhetoric in addition to sports. We take field trips to Europe every year so that students can become citizens of the world.

7 Our Students We build our students’ faith and morale by offering weekly masses, ethics courses, and religion courses. We stress building student and teacher relationships based on trust and community. Our students are expected to exhibit their best behavior and demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and their environment at all times. They are expected to maintain a yearly academic average of at least 75%.

8 Rosary Academy Academics

9 Courses Mathematics Science Language: English French as a second language History and Geography Religion Physical Education Recreational Music Drama Art Complimentary (Secondary 5): Latin Psychology Media project Leadership

10 Religion classes 1 religion course on the Catholicism 1 World View religion course covering different religions, traditions, cultures To be taken in Secondary 5 1 Catholic religion course on the practices Prayer Mass Mandatory masses for big holidays Optional

11 Values Child’s personal development Love of learning Discovery of self Make our students strive for the best not just academically but also in life: Open mindedness Accepting Inclusive Parent involvement

12 Rosary Academy Programs

13 The Program Page MATH AND ARTS COURSES: Science and arts path Science includes: Advanced math courses, enriched & regular science courses (biology included), chemistry, physics Arts includes: law, psychology, leadership, media art, Latin

14 The Program Page Sex Ed. Program: Teach each grade the basics, going more in-depth as the grade levels progress. Teach about the history of sex in religion and where these beliefs stemmed from. Teach about human sexualities and deformities during birth; importance of sexual health; gynaecologists.

15 The Program Page Peer tutoring/volunteer tutoring Workshops dedicated to each subject before exams

16 The Program Page EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: - Music: choirs and orchestras - Sports: Football, soccer, rugby, volleyball, swimming, and dance - Drama: Plays - Literature: Advanced writing classes for English, French, and Latin

17 The Program Page Community Service: Fundraisers: food drives, breakfast & lunch programs, dance & music shows, “free-dress day", tutoring programs, reading week, awareness fundraisers.

18 Rosary Academy Admissions and Financing

19 Who Can Join Our Family? Are you a Co-ed high school? Yes! Boys and Girls are both welcome. Do you have to be Catholic to apply? No! We accept up to 20% of non-Catholic students. If you are passionate, determined and want to get more out of your education, you are more than welcome to join our family at Rosary Academy

20 Our Family At Rosary Academy, our family consists of passionate teachers, friendly staff members, and generous family members. Our teachers are asked to be practicing Catholics, or have a degree in Catholic studies, as well as qualified in their subject area. New teachers are subject to 6-weeks probation, to ensure they work well with the students and with our school system. Lots of volunteers among staff; spirit of community evolvement We love having you parents involved with us as well!

21 Tuition Application Fee (n/r)……………………………………………………………………………..$50.00 Admission Fee (n/r)…………………………………………………………..…………………$200.00 Tuition Fee…………………………………………………………………..………………….$10,000.00 Uniform Extra-curricular activities Religious Studies Technology and Media resources Tutoring TOTAL TUITION………………………………………………………………………………..$10,250.00

22 Financial Aid Funding for those in need of financial aid Bursaries provided by some of our generous alumni “Adopt-a-Student” program Tax breaks from “religious donations” Discounts for more than one child attending Scholarships available throughout High School

23 Rosary Academy Fun Facts Student/Teacher ratio — 15:1 Average class sizes — 18 students 98% rate of graduation 90% rate of acceptance at first choice of university Lots and lots of fundraising through out the year!


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