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A Framework to Guide Full Service Partnerships for Adults Maria Funk, Ph.D. Mental Health Clinical District Chief ASOC Countywide Programs Los Angeles.

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Presentation on theme: "A Framework to Guide Full Service Partnerships for Adults Maria Funk, Ph.D. Mental Health Clinical District Chief ASOC Countywide Programs Los Angeles."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework to Guide Full Service Partnerships for Adults Maria Funk, Ph.D. Mental Health Clinical District Chief ASOC Countywide Programs Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

2 Definition of Full Service Partnerships Individuals within certain specified populations (called focal populations) enroll in FSP program Each enrollee participates in the development of a person centered plan that is focused on recovery and wellness Plan can include traditional mental health services as well as a wide array of other services and supports that are consistent with a commitment to do “whatever it takes”

3 Definition of Full Service Partnerships Each enrollee has a single point of responsibility for the provision of services and supports – can be done through a team Team members have low enough caseloads to insure 24/7 availability Services and supports are provided in a manner that is culturally relevant Programs report regularly on outcomes achieved by the individuals

4 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Commitment and capacity to deliver field-based (rather than clinic-based) or in-home services Multidisciplinary team availability 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for crisis intervention and assessment including availability of psychiatrist(s) Multiple strategies for helping individuals to develop ways to meaningfully engage their time

5 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Ability to provide field-based crisis response through LPS designated staff Staff to client ratio not to exceed 1:15 Commitment to incorporate peer support groups into the program and collaborate with community based self-help groups

6 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Ability to immediately access housing so that clients do not remain homeless and are not discharged from higher levels of care into homelessness Utilization of integrated services with ethnic-specific community and faith- based organizations Hiring of ethnically and linguistically diverse staff that are reflective of the community to be served

7 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Trauma-informed and trauma-specific treatment services, particularly for women with co-occurring disorders Services to address co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders Dedicated commitment to conduct outreach and engagement to focal populations including unserved and hard to reach ethnic minority populations and individuals in institutions

8 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Commitment to assist clients in accessing all benefits to which they are entitled in a prompt and effective manner Capacity to immediately respond to referrals from institutional settings in order to prevent discharge without essential linkage to community based programs Capacity to accommodate individuals with multiple disabilities including physical health problems, developmental delays and substance abuse issues

9 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Capacity to work effectively with the Public Guardian and private conservators Capacity to effectively collaborate with interagency partners Transportation services depending on the needs of the client

10 Required Aspects and Commitments of Full Service Partnership Programs Dedication to do “whatever it takes” to maintain ongoing client engagement Commitment to a “no wrong door” approach Commitment to collect outcome data as required by the State and County and to use this data to assess the program and make midcourse program corrections as necessary

11 Age Specific Aspects for Adult Full Service Partnership Programs Emphasis on employment as a desired outcome with provision of an array of supported employment services Emphasis on promoting access to an array of educational opportunities including supported education Ability to develop an array of housing options including immediate, temporary and permanent housing Ability to assist clients in developing self-directed care plans including the Wellness, Recovery Action Plan

12 Age Specific Aspects for Adult Full Service Partnership Programs Emphasis on social integration as a desired outcome and provision or an array of community integration services Commitment to working with and educating families Ability to provide or arrange representative payee services when appropriate

13 Additional Considerations Tracking of flex –funding Harm reduction model/ Recovery is a journey Moving through higher and lower levels of care Community collaboration / integration Interagency collaboration and the integrated service experience Housing that works for people

14 Audience Questions What about rural coverage? What about after hours language capability / translation? What about staff safety on after hour calls? What about the uses or limits of peer / mentors?

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