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SUPPORTING SLIDES. Rigid and Flexible Assumption.

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2 Rigid and Flexible Assumption

3 Quick Release Mechanism

4 Load Cell Zero load 250 lb 500 lb Full load

5 Load cell connection

6 Lvdt and Dial gage

7 Cable and load cell

8 Typical LVDT Record

9 Typical Accelerometer Record

10 New Mix: G1 Series

11 New Mix: G2 Series

12 More cylinders: E C,ASTM Specimen E C,ASTM (ksi) G1-33200 G1-73400 G1-143200 G1-283750 G2-33650 G2-73600 G2-143600 G2-283950 32

13 Compressometer Compressometer: ELE International Dial gage: Federal: Model C2I (0.0001 in) Machine: Forney Model F-60C-DFM/1 Year 1999

14 Stresses in Free Vibration Test

15 Stresses in Free-Vibration Tests

16 Idealized Stress vs Strain

17 α for E c = 3800 ksi α Exterior Frames Interior Frames 0.850.9 2D Frame AnalysisProperty Testing Direction N-SE-W f (Hz) 2.091.98 k (kips/in) 9685 2.091.98 8679

18 3D Model with Ec= 5000 ksi Property Testing Direction N-SE-W f (Hz) 2.001.95 k (kips/in) 8479 2.091.98 86 79

19 Assumption details f and k for E c = 3800 ksi Assumption Testing Direction f N-S (Hz) f E-W (Hz) Thin Plate 1.601.55 Thick Plate 1.751.70 Assumption Testing Direction k N-S (kips/in) k E-W (kips/in) Thin Plate 5150 Thick Plate 6461 Error= 15-25% Error= 20-40%

20 Assumption details f and k for E c 50% Larger Assumption Testing Direction f N-S (Hz) f E-W (Hz) Thin Plate 1.951.90 Thick Plate 2.152.10 Assumption Testing Direction k N-S (kips/in) k E-W (kips/in) Thin Plate 7775 Thick Plate 9692 Error= 3-7% Error= 4-18%

21 Stresses in the pluck-test Total Weight: 440 kips Stresses at the the columns: 440/(6*18*18)=225 psi Stresses due to lateral load (2 kips): 40 psi Total stresses: 265 psi Stress/fc’ ≈ 0.06 (1/15)

22 Mass Calculation Plain Concrete: 142 lb/ft 3 MATERIALS Steel: 490 lb/ft 3 COLUMNS PLATES

23 SAP2000 Thin Plate Vs. Thick Plate Even for thin-plate bending problems where shearing deformations are truly negligible, the thick-plate formulation tends to be more accurate, although somewhat stiffer, than the thin-plate formulation. However, the accuracy of the thick-plate formulation is more sensitive to large aspect ratios and mesh distortion than is the thin-plate formulation. “Shearing deformations tend to be important when the thickness is greater than about one-tenth to one-fifth of the span. They can also be quite significant in the vicinity of bending-stress concentrations, such as near sudden changes in thickness or support conditions, and near holes or re-entrant corners. It is generally recommended that you use the thick-plate formulation unless you are using a distorted mesh and you know that shearing deformations will be small, or unless you are trying to match a theoretical thin-plate solution”. SAP2000 Analysis Reference

24 Cracks on the building

25 UCLA Flat-Plate Structure

26 Frequency α=0.5 α=1 f 1 (Hz) 4.75.3 f 2 (Hz) 1921 4.3 17.5 4.3 17.5 9% 23% 8% 20%

27 Modified Compressometer

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