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The Mamam Resort Poh Yong Rui Quah Yu Kiat Tok Yin Pin Wesley Koh.

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Presentation on theme: "The Mamam Resort Poh Yong Rui Quah Yu Kiat Tok Yin Pin Wesley Koh."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mamam Resort Poh Yong Rui Quah Yu Kiat Tok Yin Pin Wesley Koh

2 Contents location of resort green building methods green energy supply green living practices

3 Location of resort  Situated at Mamam Beach

4 Location of resort  The resort will be a floating resort.  Part of the resort will be on land and part of it will be on the sea.  This is to prevent sea-sickness. Resort on the land Floating resort

5 Reasons for location  1. Scenery  The Mamam beach has a very nice seaview.

6 Reasons for location  The traditional fishing poles around the beach gives a rustic feel of Pulau Ubin.  It shows the traditional way of life in Ubin. Taken by by mianbaoren on

7 Reasons for location  When the weather is fine, the sky is azure blue as there is no obstruction nearby.

8 Reasons for location  If you do not like the sunlight and move into the shade, you will not lose out as there are more greenery there.

9 Reasons for location  2. Geographical Location  Mamam Beach is located near many other resources

10 Reasons for Location  Right beside the beach is a dirt track.  Trekking there is like trekking in a rainforest – the thick canopy reduces heat, yet tourists can still enjoy the natural vegetation there.

11 Reasons for location  There is also a river, or sungei, nearby.

12 Reasons for location  A disused quarry is just a stone’s throw away from the beach.

13 Reasons for location  During low tides, vans can be chartered to bring tourists to the Check Jawa Wetland, where they can see the mangrove swamps, which are only available in tropical countries.

14 Reasons for location  It is far away from the existing resort, so there is less competition.

15 Reasons for location  It is also far away from the city centre, so there is less distraction

16 Green building methods  Green building refers to building something, in this case a resort, which is environmentally friendly.  Green building materials are used.  These are materials composed of renewable resources.  Thus, they have little impact on the environment.

17 Green building materials  Benefits of usage of materials: 1. Reduced maintenance over life of the building. 2. Energy conservation. 3. Lower costs associated with changing space configurations. 4. Greater design flexibility.

18 Green building materials  Green building materials are: 1. Recycled contents 2. Natural, plentiful, or renewable 3. Salvaged, refurbished or manufactured 4. Reusable or recyclable 5. Recycled or recyclable packaging 6. Durable

19 Examples  Fly Ash  residue made from the combustion of powdered coal  Burning of lignite (brown) coal produces fly ash

20 Examples  Benefits: 1. Fly ash is created by diverting the materials from the waste stream. This reduces the money needed in processing the materials and also minimizing pollution. 2. Fly Ash improves the performance and quality of concrete.

21 Examples  Low-VOC paints  Low-VOC paints use water as a carrier instead of using petroleum-based solvents.  It produces reduced-levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC). VOC is dangerous as it emits smog-producing pollutants into the environment.

22 Examples  Benefits: 1. Lower levels of ozone pollution 2. Performance is equal to conventional paints 3. Special equipments not required. 4. Reduced eye and respiratory irritation from fewer fumes 5. Low odour 6. Easy cleaning up and disposal

23 Examples  Green roofs  Low-maintenance plants are grown in a multi- layered light-weight system that are set as extensions of the roof.

24 Green Roofs  Benefits: 1. Reduces storm water runoff 2. Hold rain like sponge and allow the water collected to evaporate naturally 3. Reduce the heat by reducing rooftop temperature

25 Building Architecture  The resort would have no conventional air-conditioning and heating, with only air- conditioning and heating in the rooms of the resort.  However, the temperature stays regulated all year round.

26 Building Architecture  The Building Architecture is similar to the termites’ nest.  The termites achieve self-cooling systems by constantly opening and closing a series of heating and cooling vents throughout the mound.

27 Building Architecture  With a system-adjusted convection currents, air is sucked in at the lower part of the mound, and up through a channel to the peak of the termite mound.  Our resort, which would be largely made out of concrete, would have a ventilation system working similar to the termite nest.

28 Building Architecture  Outside air that is drawn in is either warmed or cooled by the building mass, depending on which is hotter, the resort’s concrete or the air.  It is then vented into the resort’s floors and offices before exiting via chimneys at the top.

29 Building Architecture  Air is continuously drawn from this open space by fans on the first floor. It is then pushed up vertical supply sections of ducts that are located in the central spine of each of the resort.  The fresh air replaces stale air that rises and exits through exhaust ports in the ceilings of each floor. Ultimately it enters the exhaust section of the vertical ducts before it is flushed out of the building.

30 Cross Section of a termite mound

31 Building Architecture  Piles are driven into the ground, which supports the floating platform which is joined to the land.  The resort is then built on the land.

32 Exterior of the Green Resort Holes with fans to take in air Chimney to release air. Green Roofs Land Sea Piles

33 Building Architecture  Our Resort would use less energy than a conventional building its size and is economically efficient because there are lesser air-conditioning systems that are implemented.

34 Green energy supply  Solar panels  Wind turbines

35 Solar Panels  One possible technology is solar energy generated by solar panels capturing sunlight.  The energy generated from the solar panels will be able to offset some of the total energy needs for the resort.

36 Solar Panels AdvantagesDisadvantages Long lifespan means that the panels will not have to be replaced frequently High installation costs Amount of electricity generated will offset future electricity costs

37 Solar Panels  Is it cost-effective?  Although the cost of the solar cells are expensive, the cells can last for a long time.  Thus, it is cost-effective on the long run.  Moreover, with more solar cells, the amount of electricity generated can offset most of the electricity needed by the resort, thus saving a lot of money.

38 Solar Panels  Can it last throughout the day?  Solar energy is not available at night.  Thus, rechargeable batteries are used to store excess electricity.  How is it ‘green’?  It uses sunlight, which is abundant, to generate electricity, and does not produce any CO 2 emissions.  Excess electricity can also be stored, and will not be wasted.

39 Wind turbines  Wind turbines could be built at the sea (offshore) to harness wind.  As the location of the resort is near the beach, the turbines will receive both land and sea breezes.  Thus, wind energy can be generated throughout the day.

40 Video

41 Wind turbines AdvantagesDisadvantages Wind blows harder and steadier offshore High cost of connecting with utility power lines Building turbines offshore can reduce land use High cost for turbine foundations People do not like wind turbines to be overlooking their houses, so building it offshore will solve that problem High cost of maintanance

42 Wind turbines  Is it cost-effective?  Although installing a wind turbine costs a lot, it will make the money when it starts to produce electricity that will cover the installation cost and more.  How is it ‘green’?  The wind rotates the motors of the turbine, which generates electricity.  This process does not emit any CO 2.

43 Green living practices  Recycling bins  Reusing paper  Opening of windows  Saving electricity  Fun fact cards  Saving water

44 Recycling Bins  Recycling bins with 3 different colours can be set up near the resorts instead of normal rubbish bins.  This will make the tourists throw their rubbish separately.  When the housekeeper come into the apartment each day, she will clear the bins and transfer the rubbish to the main recycling bins in the resort.  These rubbish are sent for recycling,

45 Reusing Paper  Tourists are given a box to store their unwanted paper, like newspapers.  The papers are then sorted out.  Papers with blank sides are kept and used for printing in the resort.  Papers which have been printed on both sides are sent for recycling.

46 Opening of Windows  Fans and air-conditioners cannot be turned on in the day. Tourists are advised to open their windows for the sea breeze.  A discount for the stay could be given to those who do not use their air-conditioner at night.

47 Saving electricity  Fluorescent light bulbs requires a lot of electricity  We could change the lightings into energy-saving light bulbs which requires less energy even though they cost more.

48 Fun Fact Cards  Fun fact cards are placed around the room. For example: “Did you know you can save more electricity by......”  They are small and are easy to make and many cards can be produced.  Recycled paper can be used to make these cards.  These cards are colourful and eye-catching and people will notice them when they walk around.

49 Saving Water  Low flow showerheads are installed to save water.  Toilet dams or displacement devices such as a bag or bottle are installed to cut down on the amount of water needed for each flush.  These dams and devices can be made from recycled items like used plastic bottles and cans.

50 References  green_building.htm green_building.htm  modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in- zimbabwe/ modelled-on-termites-eastgate-centre-in- zimbabwe/  erials/ erials/   http://www.clean-energy- http://www.clean-energy-

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