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NHS Budgets 2011/12 Alan Campbell – NHS Salford. Introduction National Policy for Health Organisational change Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Budgets 2011/12 Alan Campbell – NHS Salford. Introduction National Policy for Health Organisational change Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Budgets 2011/12 Alan Campbell – NHS Salford

2 Introduction National Policy for Health Organisational change Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Salford Service impact

3 National Policy for NHS April 2011 > PCTs merged into Clusters (10>1 GM) April 2011 > GP Commissioning Pathfinders active April 2012 > SHA abolished April 2012 > Health & Well Being Boards April 2012 > National Commissioning Board April 2013 > PCTs abolished April 2013 > Public Health statutorily LG responsibility April 2013 > GP Commissioners statutory Orgs

4 Title here Page 4 Challenge for PCTs Reducing Real Time Resources - £ Technology & New Drugs Emerging Population Health issues — Tobacco — Alcohol & Drugs — Obesity — Lifestyle Consumer access ‘free service’ issues — Eg Bariatric Surgery

5 National Context Funding Growth — ‘c. 0.1% growth next 3 years v 5.2% 10/11 Uniqueness of Health Care inflation Reducing Management Capacity Developing GP Consortia Local Government Funding Reductions

6 State of The Local Health System Health Slow improvement to mortality/morbidity indices Poor Cancer outcomes The Indicators A&E attendances increasing Outpatient (new) slowing Outpatient (F/up) accelerating Urgent Admissions increasing (fast!) Elective work volumes stable Prescribing – High volumes but improving cost effectiveness The system approach Integrated (Urgent) Care Work Community Services Transformation GP Commissioning now well under way Finances Relatively stable now But Pressure Building!!

7 Title here Page 7 Specific Areas For Cost Reductions Hospital Services - £16M annually for 4 years (£64M) Urgent / Unscheduled Care - £7.2M in 3 years Community Services – c£5M in 4 years Drug Budgets - £8M in 4 years Management Costs - £5M in 3 years Total c £90M in 4 years

8 What it means for patients C 15% real terms reduction in NHS expenditure Greater choice over treatment ‘no decision about me without me’ Greater involvement (co-production) with the public including determining priorities Leaner ‘back office’ More focus on prevention & early intervention Supporting individuals & communities to manage own health better Health promotion and education at every opportunity Doing what's most cost effective (Prevention is a better investment than treatment)

9 Title here Page 9 Economics of Health Care Techniques to measure health benefit Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY) — Treatment of end stage Diabetes Very expensive — Need to understand cost effectiveness of: — Prevention: — Lifestyle interventions c £11,600 QALY — Metformin c £15,000 QALY — Screening — Blood Lipid Secondary Prevention c £22,000 QALY — Retinopathy screening c £17,000 QALY — Hospital Treatment — Hospital Dialysis c £30,000 QALY — Erythropoietin (EPO)c £50,000 QALY — Disability and Social Economic Costs !

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