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LAV construction status Matthew Moulson (Frascati) NA62 Photon-Veto Working Group Meeting CERN, 27 May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "LAV construction status Matthew Moulson (Frascati) NA62 Photon-Veto Working Group Meeting CERN, 27 May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAV construction status Matthew Moulson (Frascati) NA62 Photon-Veto Working Group Meeting CERN, 27 May 2009

2 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Working space for gluing/wrapping 2 vespasiane (1 new - Massimo) 2 tables for work/storage 1 table for banana assembly New shelves New tool chest and power tools (Massimo) Equipment/furniture basically ready

3 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Materials for gluing 12 4-way gluing rigs (Emilio, Luca) Glue (ScotchWeld DP490): 5-6 tubes on hand (~60 blocks?) More purchased at CERN, will arrive in Frascati next week Bonding plates: Enough to complete vessel on hand

4 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Guillotine for manipulating blocks (Emilio) For safe handling of blocks before addition of mounting brackets

5 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Tvyek patterns and supplies Pattern: Emilio has developed pattern for crystal types 11, 14, 15 Delivered to Genova 10 test patterns cut at Genova and sent to Frascati Should arrive by Monday, 7 December If all OK, Emilio → Genova 4 days week of 14 December All covers cut (200 pcs) for 1 complete station by holidays Need to get samples of crystal types (7, 9, etc.) in next shipment to test pattern Materials: Tyvek 4173D on hand at Genova for ~100 covers Emilio will bring 1073D remnants from Frascati for remaining covers

6 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Pre-forming Tyvek (folding/welding) After much discussion, idea is to pre-form Tyvek wrappers using a bad block Worries about thermal stress on good blocks from welding iron Table for folding/welding Tyvek around sample block (Sauro) Mounting hardware for model block, with hinge and handle for lifting (Massimo)

7 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Cleaning and wrapping blocks Bilancino: Rig to attach to 2 screw holes in flange Asta: Handle to allow lifting of block from vespasiano (Block can be partly rotated) Baldacchino: Cradles lifting handle and supports block for cleaning Design: Massimo Fabrication: Massimo, Emilio Ready by 14 Dec

8 LAV construction status – M. Moulson (Frascati) –LNF – 4 Dec 2009 Outlook Should be ready to glue a batch of blocks week of 14 Dec Should be ready to begin serial processing of blocks at beginning of January Will need to optimize procedures and working space as we gain experience May rethink some hardware as well Example: Cleaning and wrapping Current procedure ergonomic for 2 people Can we develop equipment to allow 1 person to lift blocks? (Under study: Emilio)

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