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Gtalk, Creating and Using Google Groups (ict123456789)

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Presentation on theme: "Gtalk, Creating and Using Google Groups (ict123456789)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gtalk, Creating and Using Google Groups (ict123456789)

2 Quiz

3 Outlines Chatting instantly with Gtalk (Google Talk) Creating and Using Google Groups

4 Chatting Instantly with GTalk Use Google Talk to –S–S–S–Send instant messages –P–P–P–PC-to-PC voice calls –T–T–T–Transfer files

5 How to Access GTalk As a downloaded file: – (– (– (– ( click Download Google Talk button from wwww wwww wwww.... gggg oooo oooo gggg llll eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm //// tttt aaaa llll kkkk ) As Gadget: – (– (– (– (Launch Google talk) from wwww wwww wwww.... gggg oooo oooo gggg llll eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm //// tttt aaaa llll kkkk From within Gmail

6 Chatting Instantly with GTalk Gtalk as a downloadable File GTalk as a Gadget

7 Chatting Instantly with GTalk Why it is important: –C–Chat instantly with other users –C–Call another users

8 Chat instantly with other users After downloading GTalk the contact names are displayed With which account you sign in to your GTalk?

9 Chat instantly with other users Moving the mouse over any contact will display the Chat window with : –C–Chat –S–Send Voicemail –C–Call  To initiate Google Talk Session

10 Call Another User Call others using: –V–Voice Mail Message –A–Actual Call (to be used both parties MUST have Google talk and Gmail account) I am calling you using Gtalk but you are not answering? You will hear a prompt to leave a message, and then it will be sent as an mp3 attachment to the email of the person you are calling

11 Creating and Using Google Groups Google Groups: is a collection of public online forums where you can stay in touch with people who have similar interests –J–J–J–Join an existing group –S–S–S–Start your own group Located at: – g– g– g– g rrrr oooo uuuu pppp ssss.... gggg oooo oooo gggg llll eeee.... cccc oooo mmmm –G–G–G–Google options menu

12 Find an Existing Group Explore what Google groups has to offer. How you can use Google Groups, e.g. To search for a specific group name you know To see all the group categories – to access the Group directory (lists the available topics and the number of groups within each topic)

13 Start Your Own Group To create a group: 1.Click the Create a group link 2.Select a name of your group 3.Create an email for contributors to your group 4.You can decide whether anyone can access this group or the access is to restricted to specific individuals

14 Announcement! Quiz

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