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Morning Report March 25, 2011.

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1 Morning Report March 25, 2011





6 Pancreatitis Causes Adult Children Gallstones Alcohol Blunt trauma
Idiopathic (25%) Drug-related Infections Mumps, Enterovirus, EBV, HepA, Coxsackievirus B Gallstones less common Still look for them Pancreas is fixed and retroperitoneal – mild trauma may transmit injury Gallstones – overweight teens Also look for alcohol abuse in adolescents

7 Pancreatitis Drug-related Idiosyncratic Direct toxic effect Timing
Depends on drug Few weeks to many months Not very straightforward Drugs Valproic Acid Azathioprine Corticosteroids Sulfasalazine Cimetidine Estrogens Thiazides Of note 6MP and pentamidine have also been known to cause pancreatitis

8 Pancreatitis Other causes Hypercalcemia Hyperlipidemia
Vasculitic diseases SLE, HSP and Kawasaki Sepsis Shock Multiorgan failure CF

9 Pancreatitis Pathogenesis Activation of enzymes Autodigestion
Tissue Injury Proinflammatory and cytokine responses ARDS, DIC, multiorgan failure Because there is no capsule, the inflammation can spread easily to other structures

10 Pancreatitis Presentation Abdominal pain N/V +/- Jaundice Location
Mid-epigastric R or LUQ Quality Constant Boring Radiation to back Also flank, chest or lower abdomen Aggravators Lying supine N/V +/- Jaundice Jaundice if obstructing stone

11 Pancreatitis FH If present look for hereditary systemic or metabolic disorders Ask about Diarrhea, vasculitis, joint pain, rashes and pulmonary diseases PE Vary depending on severity Mild fever Tachycardia 30-40% hypotension Abdominal tenderness with absence of peritoneal irritation

12 Pancreatitis Late Signs Grey Turner sign Cullen sign
Large ecchymoses in flanks Cullen sign Ecchymoses in umbilical area Represent blood dissecting from the pancreas along fascial planes

13 Pancreatitis Amylase Lipase
Specificity 70% Rises within 6-24 hours Peaks at 48h Normalizes 5-7d Sensitivity decreases after h Lipase Rises within 4-8h Peaks at 24h Normalizes 8-14d Lipase also exists in other tissues The degree of elevation is not a marker of severity 3 times the upper limit of normal

14 Pancreatitis Other labs CBC Chemistry LFTs Coags Systemic-wide effects

15 Pancreatitis Imaging US CT Gallstones Dilation of the biliary tree
Confirm diagnosis of pancreatititis Enlarged edematous pancreas Rule out obstructive anomalies CT Complicated cases Hemorrhage, pseudocyst, abscess or vascular abnormalities Considering surgery Deteriorating course

16 Pancreatitis Mimickers
Bowel perforation Ischemic bowel Ruptured ectopic pregnancy All may mimic pancreatitis and cause an elevation in amylase

17 Pancreatitis Treatment Admission Supportive Unpredictable course
Possible complications Supportive Fluids Follow UOP Pain medication Meperidine Less likely to cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi Nutrition GI Consult if gallstones Surgery If focal findings are present on US or worsening condition Follow the UOP for patients with pancreatitis because they are likely to third space

18 Pancreatitis Treatment Nutrition Oral feeding NJ TPN
Time course depends Mild cases Early feeding and advancement is encouraged Pain improvement and decreased narcotic requirement 24-48h NJ Elemental or semi-elemental Increased protein and decreased fat Preferred to TPN if tolerated Intestinal barrier Eliminates complications of parenteral therapy TPN If nutritional goals not met in 2 days

19 Pancreatitis Complications Shock Hyperglycemia Hypocalcemia
Decreased insulin and increased glucagon Hypocalcemia Sequestration into necrotic areas Hypoalbuminemia Hypomagnesemia Hyperglucagaonemia Inactivation of PTH

20 Pancreatitis Complications Pseudocysts Long-term
2-3 weeks after acute episode Long-term Chronic pancreatitis Recurrent pancreatitis DM Digestive disorders Malabsorptive disorders

21 Pancreatitis Complications Predictibility of complex course
Elevations of Glucose LDH BUN Decreases of Hct Ca Alb Partial pressure of Oxygen Ranson’s criteria Other criteria exist as well

22 Pancreatitis Prognosis Most patients 15-20% Severe and complicated
Mild, self-limited 15-20% Severe and complicated Mortality rate 5% if mild initial presentation Very high if hemorrhagic or multisystem

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