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Knyaz Boris I 852–889 SOU “Kozma Trichkov” Vratsa Bulgaria.

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1 Knyaz Boris I 852–889 SOU “Kozma Trichkov” Vratsa Bulgaria

2 Few Bulgarian rulers could be called “a true statesman”. With his strong character and wisdom, Knyaz Boris of Bulgaria won international recognition, independent church and turned Bulgaria into a center of Slavic culture. Ктиторски портрет на княз Борис І в манастира “Св. Наум” край Охрид, фреска от 1806 година

3 It is difficult to baptize the pagan tribes who consider Christianity its biggest enemy. Boris-Mihail I gave the Bulgarian people their independent church and writing. Миниатюра, изобразяваща княз Борис І. Руски препис на “Учително евангелие”

4 At the beginning of the reign of Boris, during the years 862-863, Bulgaria was in war with The Eastern Frank Kingdom, Byzantium and Croatia.

5 Immediately after the Christianization there was a rebellion of the boyars. They were concerned by the growing Byzantine influence. Boris supressed the rebellion, and the leaders of the rebellion - 52 boyars and all their families were beheaded. In 863, after the successful war against Byzantium, Bulgaria concluded a peace treaty. Boris and his people had to adopt Christianity. Покръстването на княз Борис І Миниатюра от Манасиевата хроника

6 Between Rome and Constantinople The refusal of Constantinople to recognize the independent Bulgarian church forced Boris I to seek rapprochement with the Pope in Rome. He negotiated with Rome from 866 till 870.

7 Bulgarian messengers took their list of 115 questions to the Pope and were welcomed with great joy. The basic issue was the possibility of the Bulgarian church to receive the rank of an independent patriarchate. The 105 responses of Pope Nicholay I, composed by Anastasius Bibliotecarius, were evasive.

8 Independent Bulgarian church After the refusal of Pope Adrian II to give independence to the Bulgarian church, Boris re-started negotiations with Constantinople. On 24 th December 879 the Bulgarian Church became autocephalous (independent)..

9 Bulgaria was the first Christian country with an independent church. This success was due to the diplomatic genius of Knyaz Boris.

10 Giving the people their own alphabet The second fundamental deed of Boris was the introduction and spreading of Old-Bulgarian writing. When in 885 the disciples of Cyril and Methodius were banished from Great Moravia, Boris I gave them refuge and provided assistance to develop the Slavic alphabet and literature.

11 After the adoption of Christianity in 865, religious ceremonies in Bulgaria were conducted in Greek by clergy sent from the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine clergy was replaced with Bulgarian. Old Church Slavonic was the official language of the Church and the state. Зографското четвероевангелие Глаголически паметник от Х век

12 It was the foundation of Old-Bulgarian literature.

13 After a successful 36-year reign, in 889 Boris abdicated the throne and retired to a monastery, where he lived as a monk till 2 May 906.

14 Boris I of Bulgaria, momument in Pliska The first capital of Danubian Bulgaria Knyaz Boris I was a ruler who lost war battles but won all diplomatic battles that proved more durable than the victories of his predecessors.

15 Thank you for your attention!

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