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What Every Junior Should Know! What should you be doing? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "What Every Junior Should Know! What should you be doing? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Every Junior Should Know! What should you be doing? 1

2 Counseling Department  A-Co Ms. Spilsbury  Cr-He (AVID 10/12) Mrs. Burt  Hi-Me Mr. Snyder  Mi-Sa (AVID 9/11) Mrs. Fritz  Sc-Z Ms. Thompson Ms. Fassinger - Career Center, Mrs. Blancarte -Secretary Get to know your counselor! 2

3 Schedule Changes  Any class dropped after the Sept. 25 th results in an F on your transcript.  Semester 2 changes can be made up until Dec. 4 th.  Your job to stay on track for graduation 3

4 Class of 2017 Graduation Requirements Area English Math Science Social Studies Physical Education (class) Fine arts/vocational electives Comp. Health Electives Credits 4 3 1.5 5.5 4

5 16 Core Courses  4 credits of English.  4 credits of math or through 4 th year- one above Algebra II level.  3 credits of lab science (Ag Science 1 and 2 together equates to 1 lab science credit and 1 elective credit. Hon Science Research is not a lab science).  2 credits of social studies.  1 credit of fine art- art, music, drama or dance or CTE – Technology, Family Sci., Business, etc.  2 credits of the same foreign language- or through level 2 of any foreign language.

6 Graduation Honors  Distinguished Scholar  3.8 GPA (weighted)  Member of NHS  6 Honors or AP classes (1 taken during Senior year)  24 Credits  High Honors  3.5 or Higher GPA (weighted)  No D’s or F’s  6 Honors or AP classes ( 1 taken during Senior Year)  National Honor Society  3.8 GPA (weighted)  Maintain Membership  30 Hours Community Service

7 Online Classes  You may receive multiple credits from Chandler On-line Academy. Costs vary depending on schedule.  You must talk to your counselor before you register for a correspondence/online class in order to receive approval.

8 What are you doing after BHS?  56% of BHS graduates attend a 4 year University  36% of BHS graduates attend a community college  So what do the rest of our graduates do???

9 Post HS Education &Training Options 1. Apprenticeships 2. Community College/Technical Colleges/Certificate Programs 3. Military Training 4. 4 year University 5. Working at a job 5

10 Apprenticeship Opportunities  An apprenticeship is a semi-formal way of learning a skill or trade. Although you work with someone at a participating job, you also attend classes.  Usually 3-5 years in length  Tests and personal interviews are required.  There are over 800 occupations available: roofers, electricians, sheet metal workers, carpenters, etc.  Explore trades/careers with Mrs. Fassinger in the career center or online at

11 Community College/Technical Colleges/Certificate Programs  Community Colleges offer a wide range of occupational/educational avenues.  Some students start at a CC and transfer to a university to complete a bachelor’s degree.  Others may explore certificate and AS/AA degrees.  There are many vocational programs offered in a wide range of areas. * Scholarship Opportunities!

12 Interested in attending a Community College? This is what you should be doing:  Meet with a CC representative, check the career center calendar for upcoming presentations.  Research scholarships throughout the year.  Register to take CC placement exams.

13 CC Career Opportunities Chandler Gilbert CC  Aircraft Construction Technology  Aircraft Maintenance  Aviation  Equine Science  Golf Course Operations  Media Arts: Dig. Imaging  Early Childhood Programs Mesa CC  Construction Drafting  Para-Medicine  Police Academy Preparation  Nursing  Firefighting Scottsdale CC  Culinary Arts  Radiography  Yoga Teaching Certification  Speech-Language Pathology  Broadcasting Gateway CC  Court Reporting  Automotive Technology (Partnership w/ Nissan & Toyota)  Hydrologic Studies  Nursing  Respiratory Therapist  Medical Radiographer *These are only a few of the different programs & colleges available

14 Trade & Technical Schools  These schools vary in size, entry requirements, cost and quality. Research these schools carefully!  It is a good idea to visit the school you are interested in attending, Talk with students who have previously attended the school and employers in our community who hire people in your chosen occupation.

15 Military Bound  Take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). Friday, Dec. 4th  Sign up with Mrs. Blancarte in the front office.  Beginning November 2nd  Explore career options available through each of the branches.  Military representatives are scheduled in the cafeteria each month during lunch.  Involve your parents in the process.

16 Military Bound University Programs Get your degree before you enlist.  College R.O.T.C Programs  Service Academies  West Point (Army ) New York  U.S. Air force Academy Colorado  Annapolis (Naval Academy) Maryland  Coast Guard Academy Connecticut  Begin the process now.  See Mr. Snyder for details

17 SAT/ACT Prep Classes  Check the Counseling website at  Check the SAT/ACT information board in the office.  Examples of courses include:  RMASS  Princeton Review  Revolution  Kaplan

18 University Bound Jr.’s cont.  Meet with College Representatives.  Take ACT or SAT, spring semester.  Continue searching for scholarships.  Research universities and colleges you are interested.  Athletes: Make sure that you register spring semester with NCAA/NAIA in order to be eligible for scholarship opportunities. Apply online @  See Mr. Snyder in Counseling if you have ?’s.  Register for the NAIA at  Check out Dual Credit opportunities during registration.  See how credits transfer by visiting

19 Importance of Doing Well on the ACT and SAT  College recruiting  Admission decisions  Advisement and placement  Scholarship opportunities 11



22 PSAT Registration is now open! When: The test is the morning of October 28th (Wednesday). You will miss your morning classes. Registration is from September 1-25. There are a limited number of tests, so sign-up early. Who: Any student who would like to take a practice SAT test and who would like to qualify for National Merit. Where: Sign-up in the bookstore (F2). Cost: $20 *This PSAT test is your only chance to qualify to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program.

23 SAT/ACT  What is the difference?  How much do they cost?  When do I take it?  Do I need SAT II Subject tests?  How do I sign up?  SAT  ACT

24 Instate University Entrance Requirements Class of 2014  Admission Offered (unconditional)  ASU & NAU top 25% or 3.0 GPA  16 core courses (no deficiencies)  1040 SAT (Verbal & Math) or 22 ACT (Composite)  U of A  16 core courses (no deficiencies)  rank in top 25% of class (at least a 2.0)  Additional criteria considered for students who do not meet unconditional admission  rank, GPA, test scores (ACT/SAT), deficiencies  extracurricular activities, community service  holistic review 13

25 Transcripts  Academic record of semester grades and select standardized test scores.  Unofficial copies: Guidance Counselor  Official copies:  Link and instructions found at / registration  $3.00 - $5.00 per copy

26 Types of Scholarships  Merit Based  Grades, GPA in high school, & Test scores  Automatic based on application (In State Univ.)  Out of State (Check their websites)  AIMS  Non-merit Based  Sports  Private Financial Aid Grants

27 Applying for Scholarships  Check the scholarship  under the Career Center.  See Mrs. Fassinger in C201  Request applications  Update your resume  Follow directions  Allow time for letters of recommendation (2 weeks)  Stay involved MEET DEADLINES 15

28 Applying for Scholarships Cont.  under Academics/Career Center  On the left hand side of page go to: Academics Career Center Scholarships Scholarship Listing  Websites         Don’t pay for scholarship searches!

29 NAU LUMBERJACK Scholarship  3.5 core GPA  No C’s  Can repeat up to 3 classes to improve grade.  Full tuition scholarship for 4 years.


31 Eye’s on the Prize  Stay Focused  Your GPA @ the end of this year is what you apply to college with.  This year will set you up for success in your Senior year and beyond.  Congratulations, your more than halfway to graduation.

32 ECAP-Education and Career Action Plan  Requirement for graduation.  Go to  Username: (first name initial)(last name initial) + student ID number  Password: student ID number  N-Code: N3924863WEP  Goals: Revise 4 year plan / compare two colleges

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