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Amarillo Independent School District Palo Duro High School Drew Daniel 1400 N. Grant Amarillo, TX 79107

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1 Amarillo Independent School District Palo Duro High School Drew Daniel 1400 N. Grant Amarillo, TX 79107

2 Demographics of Palo Duro 9 th - 12 th grade campus Population of approximately 1900 students 52% Hispanic 25% African-American 16% White 7% Asian 80-85% Economically Disadvantaged 80% Identified as At-Risk 12% Limited English Proficient 12% Special Ed Mobility Rates exceed 20%

3 Why PBS? To lower Office Referral rates To becoming proactive rather than reactive when it comes to discipline Creating a consistent set of expectations and consequences Creating a functional climate for students to demonstrate appropriate behavior To teach students what is expected of them in all locations on campus

4 D-Force Dons are… F ocused O rganized R espectful C onsistent E veryday


6 Data




10 Campus Buy In We selected a core group of believers that represented the entire campus population. (math, science, etc.) This group then promoted our D-Force concept in their respective departments which allowed for more honest and authentic discussions. All work was done for them. (Videos, posters, etc.) We gave all staff a D-Force t-shirt to promote unity.

11 Campus Buy In Change in campus mindset Distribution of incentives is done by the teachers. The staff received appreciation lunches at the end of each semester.

12 Rewards We all have emotional mortgages. We need to recognize students everyday. This is a system that is not just used for discipline, but PBS can be used as a vehicle to help you accomplish whatever goals your campus sets such as attendance or AP classes.

13 Tier One: School-wide All Staff, all students Proactive & preventative Structural & procedural Effective for 80-90% of students

14 Data Based Decision Making Intensive ( Individual ) Targeted ( Classroom ) School-Wide Academic SystemBehavioral System 1% to 5% 5% to 10% 80% to 90%


16 Incentives “BE RIGHT” Pens Pencils Backpacks Water bottles T-Shirts



19 D-Force Lunch Requirements: 1. No unexcused absences 2. 2 or less excused absences 3. 80 GPA 4. No referrals

20 Students were taken off campus to: the Amarillo Association of Realtors  They provided everything.


22 Funding It takes money. $$$ FFind your own. oOoOur funding came from the Amarillo Association of Realtors and Western Builders. MMake PBS your personal vehicle to reach your campus goals. oWoWe had to change!! o“o“If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten.”

23 Tier 2: PD 360 Focuses on Classroom Environment Focuses on Teacher Improvement Professional Development That is Self Paced

24 Tier 3: Counselor Watch Social Contract set up with students that have 5 or more office referrals Check in and check out system Incentives

25 Reinforcement Posters around campus and in every classroom D-Force Matrix in every classroom listing expectations Announcements everyday Commercials on KDON (student publication/broadcasting class on campus) Keep it fresh- what you did this year may not work next year

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