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Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson…..

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda Any Announcements? Any Questions? Let's Review our Bellwork.... Now... Let’s Begin Today’s Lesson…..

2 Today's State Standards Standard 3.0: Geography 3.2. understand and analyze the impact of physical and human geography on given political systems. Standard 6.0: Individuals Groups & Interactions 6.5 understand the impact and influence of participatory citizenship on government at all levels.

3 Our objectives today 1. Classify governments according to three sets of characteristics. 2. Define systems of government based on who can participate. 3. Identify different ways that power can be distributed, geographically, within a state. 4. Describe a government by how power is distributed between the executive branch and the legislative branch.

4 Our Goal Today Governments come in many forms – democratic or dictatorship, unitary or federal, presidential or parliamentarian. Regardless of form, government has an impact on nearly every moment and every aspect of a person's life.

5 How do we classify a government? Governments come in many shapes, sizes and types. How can we identify what type of government a state practices?

6 Three Classifications 1) Who is allowed to participate? 2) What is the geographic distribution of the government? 3) What is the relationship between the legislative branch and the executive branch?

7 Who is allowed to take part? a) Democracy – Direct or Indirect – The Power to VOTE and be involved in the decision-making process. b) Dictatorship – Autocracy is unlimited rule by an individual. Oligarchy is rule by a select few, usually self-appointed, leaders.

8 Geography – Who is in charge where? a) Unitary Government – or centralized government - Most governments in the world have this 'distribution'. One central government controls the entire nation. b) Federal Government – Power is divided between a central government and local governing bodies. c) Confederate Government – An alliance of independent states with limited central government. Currently, the European Union is a great example. In our history, the nation's beginnings under the Articles of Confederation and the southern states becoming the Confederate States of America during our Civil War.

9 Executive and Legislative Branches' Relationship Presidential Government – The Executive and Legislative Branches are independent of each other. Each has checks and balances to make sure one branch is not more powerful than the other. Parliamentary Government – The prime minister is the leader of the state but is also a member of the legislative branch.

10 Vocabulary autocracy oligarchy unitary governmentfederal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

11 autocracy autocracy – a government where a single person holds unlimited political power

12 Vocabulary autocracy oligarchy unitary governmentfederal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

13 oligarchy oligarchy – government controlled by a small group of leaders, usually self-appointed

14 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

15 unitary government unitary government – a centralized government. All power is located in one governing body.

16 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

17 federal government federal government – powers are divided between a central government and several local governments

18 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powers confederation presidential government parliamentary government

19 division of powers division of powers – which government has authority of various powers between a central government and local governing bodies

20 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powers confederation presidential government parliamentary government

21 confederation confederation – an alliance of independent states. Can you think of a couple of examples of this?

22 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

23 presidential government presidential government – a government where powers are separated between the executive and legislative branches

24 Vocabulary autocracyoligarchy unitary government federal government division of powersconfederation presidential government parliamentary government

25 parliamentary government – a government where the executive is part of the legislature.

26 What did we learn today? Turn to page 16 in our textbook. On lined notebook paper, answer questions 1, 2 and 3 in your bellwork.

27 Today's State Standards Standard 3.0: Geography 3.2. understand and analyze the impact of physical and human geography on given political systems. Standard 6.0: Individuals Groups & Interactions 6.5 understand the impact and influence of participatory citizenship on government at all levels.

28 Our objectives today 1. Classify governments according to three sets of characteristics. 2. Define systems of government based on who can participate. 3. Identify different ways that power can be distributed, geographically, within a state. 4. Describe a government by how power is distributed between the executive branch and the legislative branch.

29 Our Goal Today Governments come in many forms – democratic or dictatorship, unitary or federal, presidential or parliamentarian. Regardless of form, government has an impact on nearly every moment and every aspect of a person's life.

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