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How do cells multiply? Cell/Developmental Biology Group The Cyclers Greg Beitel Claudette Davis Vet Dozier Stanley Lo Katie Nemeth Steve Chordas, III Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "How do cells multiply? Cell/Developmental Biology Group The Cyclers Greg Beitel Claudette Davis Vet Dozier Stanley Lo Katie Nemeth Steve Chordas, III Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do cells multiply? Cell/Developmental Biology Group The Cyclers Greg Beitel Claudette Davis Vet Dozier Stanley Lo Katie Nemeth Steve Chordas, III Peter Cavnar

2 Background of the Class Course: Introduction to Biology (Majors) Class Size: 55+ students Module: Cell Biology, two-week (6 lectures) teachable unit on cell cycle First class of the unit What do students know already? Nucleotides, DNA, chromosomes, and organelles Students will learn about the cell cycle. (for SI participants only)

3 The Cell Cycle Who cares?

4 Cancer: 23% of all deaths in US in 2007 resulted from cancer How does cell division relate to human health? Down Syndrome: 1 in 800 babies born in US

5 Learning goalsIntended outcomes Students will be able to understand why there are phases to the cell cycle Students will be able to sequence the events of the cell cycle and explain why each of the phases occur in the order that they do What will you learn today?

6 What will we learn today? We will be able to explain why each of the phases of the cell cycle occur in the order that they do

7 How will we learn how cells divide? Overview: In small groups (two groups per table) we will: Generate a common list of events Determine the order in which the events occur Brainstorm to determine what the most basic events the cell must undergo to achieve division

8 Brainstorm Question… Come up with a list of actions or events that an animal cell must undergo to achieve division. 2 minutes

9 NOT SHOWN IN PRESENTATION Collect inventory A total inventory is collected by going from group to group to get one new thing from each group. In the exercise, this list was written on a butcher paper on an easel as the students called out their. To create a manageable exercise, Prof. suggests cutting the list down to a few steps. Introduces concept of controlled vocabulary so everyone can be doing the same thing and use the words in the same way. A controlled list is written to a second easel. Note that grow appears only once. This will force students to come up with different solutions as you cannot come up with the eukaryotic cell cycle with one grow. For the next exercise, the controlled vocabulary has been pre-written to posit notes. Each action gets a separate postit note that is a unique color. Color is key because with each action a different color, it becomes obvious that different arrangements are present in the room.

10 Not shown in presentation Events/Actions needed for cell division: Controlled vocabulary list Copy DNA Divide the cell Segregate Grow Duplicate [organelle]

11 Work in your groups to arrange the notes in the order that would make the cell divide… (3 min)

12 cell cycle



15 Where do we go from here? Today We will be able to sequence the events of the cell cycle and explain why each of the phases occur in the order that they do Rest of Teachable Unit To know what checkpoints and their functions are To understand the functions of cyclins and CDKs (e.g. concentrations at different stages of cell cycle, different specificities, activities regulated by other proteins) Mitosis: what is it and what is the outcome? What actions occur to move the chromosomes and divide the two cells? To understand diseases related to the cell cycle relate to diseases

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