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Vocabulary for Night Set 1 / 4 Today is words 1-5 / 20. Quiz = 01/31/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary for Night Set 1 / 4 Today is words 1-5 / 20. Quiz = 01/31/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary for Night Set 1 / 4 Today is words 1-5 / 20. Quiz = 01/31/14

2 Things to remember if you want full credit. – Word – Example sentence – Definition – Original sentence 20 points total each the first school day of each week.

3 ghetto As Hitler rose to power, Jewish people were forced to leave their homes and live in overcrowded, filthy ghettos. The Warsaw Ghetto was the largest Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II.

4 GHETTO a part of the city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups.

5 Firmament George was gazing at the firmament and dreaming that he could live on a star. For his retirement present, Fred’s friends paid for a star to be named after him and when he looked up at night, he could see his own star in the firmament.

6 FIRAMAMENT The heavens or the sky POS: noun Synonyms: sky or heavens

7 Lorry There was a caravan of lorries hauling timber down the interstate. My grandfather drove a lorry for his job at the construction site.

8 LORRY A large, heavy motor vehicle for transporting goods or troops; a truck POS: noun

9 Truncheon The policeman struck the criminal twice in the head with his truncheon. The police carried truncheons to protect themselves from the unruly protestors.

10 TRUNCHEON A short thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer; a staff or baton POS: Noun

11 Waif The scrawny waifs living in the orphanage cheered up when they saw their Thanksgiving dinner. Fortunately, the young waif was taken off the streets and was given food and shelter.

12 WAIF A homeless and helpless person, especially a neglected or abandoned child POS: Noun Synonyms: orphan

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