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Understanding Your Learning Style

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Your Learning Style"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Your Learning Style


3 You are an individual, and God created you as a unique learner.

4 No two people are exactly the same, and no two people learn in exactly the same way.

5 Understanding your personal learning style has academic advantages. Maximize your learning potential Succeed at various levels of education Understand how to best study and improve on your exams/tests Reduce frustration and stress (which helps with memory)

6 Understanding your learning style also has personal advantages. Improve your self-confidence and self-esteem Work and learn to the best of your ability Gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses Increase motivation for learning Maximize your God given talents

7 There is not a right or wrong way to learn. But there are ways that are best for YOU!

8 Learning Styles Inventory

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