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W EDNESDAY, A UGUST 31 ST Bell Ringer: Write a sentence (or sentences) that contain one common noun, one proper noun, one concrete noun and one abstract.

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Presentation on theme: "W EDNESDAY, A UGUST 31 ST Bell Ringer: Write a sentence (or sentences) that contain one common noun, one proper noun, one concrete noun and one abstract."— Presentation transcript:

1 W EDNESDAY, A UGUST 31 ST Bell Ringer: Write a sentence (or sentences) that contain one common noun, one proper noun, one concrete noun and one abstract noun. For example: My puppy, Josie, is good and she loves her bone. Today’s Schedule I. Bell Ringer II. Magdalena Looking Test III. Writing Assignment IV. Nouns if you finish your letter.

2 L ETTER TO Y OUR F UTURE S ELF … to be delivered in June 2012

3 A SSIGNMENT : When Magdalena looked at her portrait 20 years later, she saw a young girl with a look full of longing for lots of wishes and dreams. Her portrait was much like a letter, written by a younger her. Write a letter to the person you will be in ten months. This sealed letter will be delivered at the end of the school year. Your writing should be neat, thoughtful, and as grammatically correct as possible.

4 1) What is happening in your life right now that you might want your future self to remember, or laugh about? 2) How do you hope you will be different from the person you are today? Describe how you imagine you will have changed. 3) What do you hope to have accomplished this school year? 4) What advice would you give to your future self? Here are some possible starting points :

5 T HURSDAY, S EPTEMBER 1 ST !!! Bell Ringer: Label each of the words below as "concrete" or "abstract". If you do not know a word, use a dictionary from the back counter to look it up. apparel coincidence torrent virtues haste consequences talisman Today’s Schedule I. Bell Ringer II. Magdalena Looking Test (make-ups) III. Finish “Letter” writing assignment IV. Introduction of new vocabulary words!! V. Flashcards Today’s Learning Goals: 1)Understand the difference between concrete and abstract nouns. 2) Learn and understand the meaning of new vocabulary words. -concrete -abstract -concrete -abstract -concrete -abstract -concrete

6 T HE M ONKEY ’ S P AW V OCABULARY Read the 16 new vocabulary words and their definitions. Complete the A and B exercises on the back of your worksheet. Create flashcards for all 16 new vocabulary words (word on the front, definition on the back). You may also want to make flashcards for the 15 words we tested on yesterday!!

7 F RIDAY, S EPTEMBER 2 ND Bell Ringer: What three things shape our perception? Congratulations to the JV football team for their 14-7 win last night vs. Martin County! Today’s Schedule I. Bell Ringer II. Introduction of new vocabulary words!! III. Flashcards (total of 31) IV. Go over tests--Averages V. Vocabulary Exercises VI. Dictionary Wars? *Tuesday’s tutoring moved to Wednesday, Sept. 7 th !* Today’s Learning Goals: 1) Learn and understand the meaning of new vocabulary words. -Education, Experience, Environment

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