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Americans Making Positive Choices Materials you will need You have been chosen! Vocabulary Read along The Mayflower’s journey map Needs and Wants movie.

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Presentation on theme: "Americans Making Positive Choices Materials you will need You have been chosen! Vocabulary Read along The Mayflower’s journey map Needs and Wants movie."— Presentation transcript:


2 Americans Making Positive Choices

3 Materials you will need You have been chosen! Vocabulary Read along The Mayflower’s journey map Needs and Wants movie In your journal Needs table It’s time to pack! Pie graph Bar graph In your math journal Write a letter America’s student of the future! What have you learned? Next Page

4  Your writing journal  The book, If You Sailed On The Mayflower in 1620  Your math journal  1 sheet of notebook paper Next Page

5 A new and exciting school has just opened up on the moon! Only one student from every country has been selected to go and you have been chosen as America’s student of the future! GO

6 You only have 4 days to get ready for your trip! Remember, the moon is a long way away. Follow the rocket to learn how you can make wise choices about the things you will need for your journey. GO

7 GO

8 GO Monday TuesdayW ednesday ThursdayFriday Today, you will learn vocabulary words. GO

9 GO

10 GO

11 A journey is traveling from one place to another. GO

12 Wants are the things that people would like to have. GO

13 Choices are what someone chooses or decides. GO


15 Positive means doing good things and making good choices. GO

16 GO

17 Monday TuesdayW ednesday ThursdayFriday Monday, you learned vocabulary words. Today, you will learn about other Americans who also went on a journey a long time ago. GO

18 Now it’s time to read along! Open the book, If You Sailed On The Mayflower In 1620, to page 10. Listen and read along carefully. You’ll learn about some positive Americans who made wise choices for their journey, a long time ago. GO

19 Page 10 GO

20 Page 14 GO

21 Page 19 GO

22 Page 22 GO

23 Page 23 GO

24 Page 32 GO

25 GO

26 GO

27 Monday TuesdayW ednesday ThursdayFriday Monday, you learned vocabulary words. Tuesday, you learned about other Americans who also went on a journey a long time ago. Today, you will explore the differences between a need and a want. GO

28 What is the difference between wants and needs? Click on the cloud to learn more.

29 GO

30 1.Write in your journal. What are your needs? How are your needs met everyday? How are your needs similar to or different than the Pilgrims? Refer to the book, If You Sailed On The Mayflower In 1620, if you need to. 2.Click on the rocket when you are done, to compare some of your responses with the table provided. GO

31 Things People Need NeedsPilgrims ThenPeople Today Shelter Food Clothing GO

32 GO

33 Monday TuesdayW ednesday ThursdayFriday Monday, you learned vocabulary words for your trip. Tuesday, you learned about other Americans who also went on a journey a long time ago. Wednesday, you explored the differences between a need and a want. Today, you will pack for your trip and write a letter to a friend. GO

34 It’s time to pack for your trip. Think about what the Pilgrims took with them. Think about what you learned from the movie. What will you need for your trip? What should you leave behind? Remember, you need to make positive choices for your journey. GO

35 GO

36 Click here

37 This is a pie graph. Look at the graph. What did you pack the most of? Select one of the following: FOODCLOTHINGWANTS

38 What did you pack the least of? FOODCLOTHINGWANTS

39 Click Here




43 This is Lin. She is your new friend from China. Lin is going to the moon with you. This is a graph of the things Lin has packed. What do you notice about the items she is bringing? GO

44 Lin is allowed to bring 1 trunk, just like you. She has packed 1 can of soda, 5 pieces of clothing, 4 vegetables, 1 doll, 5 cookies, 2 movies, and 1 box of crayons. How many items has she packed in all? How many of those items are needs? How many of those items are wants? GO

45 Think about the items that Lin has packed. Write her a letter. What can Lin do to make wiser choices for her journey? Tell her what you are taking on your trip and why. Make suggestions on what Lin can do to make wise choices, too. Dear Lin, Your friend, GO

46 Monday TuesdayW ednesday ThursdayFriday Monday, you learned vocabulary words for your trip. Tuesday, you learned about other Americans who also went on a journey a long time ago. Wednesday, you explored the differences between a need and a want. Thursday, you packed for your trip and write a letter to a friend. Today, you’ll blast off to the moon! GO


48 GO

49 GO

50 Pilgrim’s Journey Needs and Wants Making Positive Choices Differences Between Needs and Wants GO

51 Click on the question mark to learn about an exciting activity you get to do. This is your opportunity to show others what you have learned!

52 Now that you have become an expert on how to be a positive American citizen, share your knowledge with your group members. As a group create a public service announcement about how to be an active American with a positive influence. Get ready to share this announcement with your kindergarten buddies! Show them that YOU are a positive American citizen. Evaluation

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