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and the Committee of Correspondence

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1 and the Committee of Correspondence
Propaganda and the Committee of Correspondence

2 Boston Massacre

3 “Unhappy Boston. See thy sons deplore,
Thy hallow’d Walks besmear’d with guiltless Gore: While faithless Preston and his savage Bands, With murd’rous Rancour stretch their bloody hands, Like fierce Barbarians grinning o’er their Prey, Approve the Carnage and enjoy the Day.”

4 Paul Revere Paul Revere’s engraving Purposely distorts events
Redcoats standing in line Officer giving order to shoot Peaceful assembly Hall named Butchers Hall

5 Prioritized facts/ point of view
Massacre defined- Five people died or laid dying Defended by John Adams Was it in self-defense? Started by colonist Irony - Crispus Attucks is one of those that die. He is part African and part Nativer American.

6 Propaganda- information that tries to influence your opinion

7 Commercials Can you name and explain 3 commercials that are trying to influence your age group?

8 Presidential elections
Can you name some ads that are influencing people?

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