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27 th November, 2013 Circus skills, Yoga and Peer Massage in our Primary Schools Possible positive outcomes and benefits:

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Presentation on theme: "27 th November, 2013 Circus skills, Yoga and Peer Massage in our Primary Schools Possible positive outcomes and benefits:"— Presentation transcript:

1 27 th November, 2013 Circus skills, Yoga and Peer Massage in our Primary Schools Possible positive outcomes and benefits:

2 Circus Skills Develops greater ability to focus, concentrate and remain on task Develops more self control Increases confidence and self esteem Refreshes, before the next task or activity Energises Release of endorphins in the brain leading to the ‘ feel-good’ factor

3 Circus skills cont: Offers opportunity for team building and greater consideration for others, inclusive of awareness of turn-taking Develops more equilibrium(Even-ness of mind) Provides stimulation and enjoyment All children have a chance to shine! Can remove barriers to learning

4 Circus skills cont Has been proved to improve handwriting/neatness of work Has helped to overcome dyspraxia tendencies Offers an opportunity to include and use brain gym and cross crawl Almost always makes pupils smile

5 Yoga Valuable participation in a none-competitive activity which means there is no pressure, everyone is good at something! An opportunity to learn relaxation techniques, and take them away to use as and when required, thereby equipping children with better coping mechanisms and ability to stay calm Confidence building Using the power of ‘peer’ leadership, thereby encouraging pupils to take responsibility

6 Yoga -continued Team building Engages imagination and concentration Improves balance, co-ordination, strength and flexibility Brings about internal balance through ‘uniting’ physical activity, with breathing and relaxation techniques, thereby a holistic approach to one’s own well being

7 Peer Massage Sets a positive tone in the classroom Develops greater respect for others Is relaxing and calming Introduces safe and nurturing touch Helps children to stay safe Builds relationships and enhances positive interaction

8 Peer Massage - cont Promotes emotional well being Makes a positive contribution May help children to stay safe Engages imagination Helps to develop emotional literacy By Alyson Lindley – Netherthong Primary School

9 February, 2012-02-22 Dear Parents and Carers, We are writing to inform you that we are going to introduce some elements of peer massage with the children in your child’s class/group. Relevant staff in our school have received training in the “Massage in Schools Programme.” This has worked very successfully in our school previously, and feedback from staff, parents and the children involved was very positive. The massage programme is based on respect and trust, and children must have the permission of the recipient before starting any massage. The massage is children to children, fully clothed and on their backs, arms, head and shoulders. Adults do not massage the children at all. Primary Schools who have adopted this approach have seen remarkable results in interpersonal skills, also in self confidence and creating a calmer environment. No child will be forced to participate if they prefer not to. If you require further information, please feel free to discuss this with Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Lindley or Mrs. Jubbs. If you have any objection to your child taking part in this, please inform a member of staff. Thankyou. Mrs. Lindley.

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