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International Magis Society (2010) Presented by : Nigel Lo.

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1 International Magis Society (2010) Presented by : Nigel Lo

2  A dream never fulfilled.  The Dark world of Sorrow.  A New Hope.  A Promise.

3  Tears would mean nothing in the end....  I remembered what grandpa always wanted.  I made a promise to make him proud.  I had to live that promise but how?  I had to identify my successes.  I had to educate myself.....

4  It matters that you have a dream.  It matters that you have a goal.  It matters you have hope in your heart.  It matters that you think of a glass half full.  It matters that you desire change in your life.  It matters you see yourself as a shining star.

5  “I’m no different from anyone else. I just wasn’t willing to settle for anything less than what I am capable of...”  “I demanded for more than what others would expect of me. I gave my best at everything I did. I also over do things. That’s how excellence is achieved.....”

6  Bill Gates couldn’t type......  Oprah Winfrey couldn’t sign her name....  David Beckham couldn’t walk properly....


8  What is reputation? The way people perceive you as an individual.  Good deeds spreads good words!  Help others in need. Inspire them.  Dedicate your time to improve yourself.

9  Take comfort in the law of averages.  Ask yourself: What’s the worst that can happen?  Prepare yourself mentally to accept the worst.  Work calmly to improve upon the worst.

10  Don’t view yourself as inferior to others  Talk to other people.  Identify your success.  Stick to your principles.  Be Grateful.  Be Positive.  Fake it.


12 Scared? Practice makes Perfect!!  Use “hot buttons” effectively.  Allows you to run for office in organizations.  A way to publicize yourself to strangers.  A way to earn a good reputation.  Speak for a noble cause.

13  Identify your goal.  Want desperately to succeed.  Plan your time schedule.  Be Grateful & Be Positive.  Be focused & Be disciplined.  Surround yourself with optimistic people.  Work hard towards your goal.  Visualize your success.


15  Become genuinely interested in other people.  Be a Good Listener.  Encourage people to talk about themselves.  Tell them you understand & that you care...  Tell them personal stories of how you overcame a problem in your life.  Let your good reputation prove your credibility  Show honest & sincere sympathy.

16  Be generous in your praises.  Identify the other person’s talent.  Encourage others to achieve their dream.  Wash away negativity from their mindset.  Lend a hand to help them achieve their goal.

17  Leadership is important in boosting self esteem.  Being a leader makes you an outstanding person.  A leader must master effective communication.  Responsibility, Focus, Discipline, Honesty, Integrity


19  Every successful person worked hard for it!  Develop a desperate & driving desire to succeed, win & be outstanding!

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