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{ Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars: probes of nucleosynthesis from the first generation of stars in the Universe SDSS Timothy C. Beers National.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars: probes of nucleosynthesis from the first generation of stars in the Universe SDSS Timothy C. Beers National."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars: probes of nucleosynthesis from the first generation of stars in the Universe SDSS Timothy C. Beers National Optical Astronomy Observatory

2  First-generation objects of high mass presumably formed from metal-free gas metal-free gas  Lived short lives (Myrs)  Exploded  Distributed (pre or post explosion) their nucleosynthetic products  Next-generation objects formed from the gas polluted by first- generation objects  A wider range of masses allowed, perhaps including stars with main- sequence lifetimes > a Hubble time  Further star formation (Pop II) contributed additional material, and diluted the signatures of first/next-generation stars  We should look for a characteristic set of abundance signatures ONLY found among the lowest metallicity stars  Although alternatives have been suggested (e.g., “sawtooth pattern”), the odd-even effect associated with explosions of pair-instability SNe, I would like to advocate for CARBON and other light elements Expected Signatures

3  HK Survey (Beers, Preston, & Shectman 1992)  Note that original selection criteria was carbon blind  Only based on perceived weakness of CaII H and K lines on objective prism spectra The Discovery of Carbon-Enhanced Metal- Poor (CEMP) Stars

4 Just How Common are These CEMP Stars ?  The HK Survey of Beers and colleagues revealed that MANY low-[Fe/H] stars exhibit a large overabundance of carbon relative to iron (10s of CEMP stars)  This realization has inspired further searches for CEMP stars, both in the HK survey and the (then) newer Hamburg/ESO prism survey (100s of CEMP stars)  And by SDSS/SEGUE-1/SEGUE-2 (1000s of CEMP stars) 4

5  Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars have been recognized to be an important stellar component of the halo system  CEMP stars frequencies are:  20% for [Fe/H] < —2.5  30% for [Fe/H] < —3.0 EMP  40% for [Fe/H] < —3.5  75% for [Fe/H] < —4.0 UMP  But Why ? – Atmospheric/Progenitor or Population Driven ?  Carollo et al. (2012) suggest the latter Frequencies of CEMP Stars Based on Stellar Populations

6 Exploration of Nature’s Laboratory for Neutron-Capture Processes Beers & Christlieb ARAA (2005)

7 The UMP/HMP Stars are (Almost) ALL CEMP-no Stars  Aoki et al. (2007) demonstrated that the CEMP-no stars occur preferentially at lower [Fe/H] than the CEMP-s stars  About 80% of CEMP stars are CEMP-s or CEMP-r/s, 20% are CEMP-no  Global abundance patterns of CEMP-no stars incompatible with AGB models at low [Fe/H]

8 Carbon Enhancement Associated with s-process Patterns (Aoki et al. 2002) LP 625-44: [Fe/H] = -2.7; [C/Fe] = +2.0 LP 625-44 was the first s-process-rich MP star with Pb measured

9 Carbon Enhancement Associated with r-process Patterns (CS 22892-052; McWilliam et al. 1995; Sneden et al. 2000) CS 22892-052: [Fe/H] = -3.1; [C/Fe] = +1.0 CS 22892-052 was the first highly r-process-rich MP star discovered

10 CEMP-no Stars are Associated with UNIQUE Light- Element Abundance Patterns (Aoki et al. 2002) CS 29498-043: [Fe/H] = -3.8; [C/Fe] = +1.9 Harbingers of Things to Come!

11 Last but Definitely Least… (Christlieb et al. 2002; Frebel et al. 2005) HE 0107-5240 [Fe/H] = -5.3 [C/Fe] = +3.9 It is the SAME pattern among the light elements !

12 BD+44:493 – A 9 th Magnitude Messenger from the Early Universe  Ito et al. (2009) report on discovery that BD+44 is an, CEMP-no star  Ito et al. (2009) report on discovery that BD+44 is an [Fe/H] = —3.8, CEMP-no star  Light-element abundance patterns similar to those for other CEMP-no stars  Previous RV monitoring by Carney et al. indicate no variation at levels > 0.5 km/s over  Previous RV monitoring by Carney et al. indicate no variation at levels > 0.5 km/s over past 25 years  More detailed observations by Ito et al. (2013)

13 Something You Don’t Often See An Object of COSMOLOGICAL Significance with Diffraction Spikes

14 Abundance Pattern Compared to 25 M o Mixing/Fallback Model Ito et al. (2013) : Note the low N, compared with some other CEMP-no stars with enhanced N

15 Radial Velocity Monitoring Carney et al. (1986) + Ito et al. (2012) The rms variation over 25 years is 0.73 km/s !

16 Inference of Inner/Outer Halo Structure (Carollo et al. 2010)  Follow-on of work from D. Carollo et al. (2007), demonstrating existence of inner/outer halo populations, based on 32,360 unique calibration stars from SDSS  Determination of velocity ellipsoids for thick disk, MWTD, inner, outer halos  Modeling of fractions of various components in local sample (d < 4 kpc)

17 Fractions of Components

18 Velocity Ellipsoids

19 Global CEMP Fraction and vs [Fe/H] (Carollo et al. 2012) analysis of SDSS/SEGUE Cal Stars Global variation shows smooth increase of f (CEMP) vs. [Fe/H] Clear increase of vs. [Fe/H]

20 Global CEMP Fraction vs. |Z| Clear increase of f (CEMP) with |Z| (not expected for single halo)

21 Inner/Outer Halo CEMP Fractions f (CEMP) OH ~ 2 x f (CEMP) IH roughly constant IH/OH (Carollo et al. 2012)

22 Interpretation  The distribution of CEMP stars indicates that there is likely to be more than one source of C production at low metallicity, and that the difference can be associated with assignment to inner/outer halo  Modelers (e.g., Izzard, Pols, Stancliffe) have tried, without success, to reproduce the observed fractions of CEMP stars at low metallicity using AGB sources alone. Getting beyond 10% appears to be a real barrier  We speculate that the majority of CEMP stars associated with the inner halo will be CEMP-s, while those associated with the outer halo will be CEMP-no

23 Bottom Line  CEMP stars in the Galaxy likely have had multiple sources of carbon production  CEMP-s in AGB stars  CEMP-no in massive (50-100 M o ) rapidly rotating MMP stars  CEMP-no in intermediate (25-30 M o ) “faint” SNe  CEMP-no stars occur preferentially at the lowest metallicities, including the 3 of the 4 stars known with [Fe/H] < -4.5  CEMP stars are found in great number in the ultra-faint SDSS dwarf galaxies, some of which have low n-capture abundances  High-z DLA systems exhibit similar abundance patterns as CEMP- no stars  We have observed (!) the nucleosynthesis products of first generation stars (Pop III) 

24 Fractions of CEMP-no and CEMP-s in the Inner/Outer halo  Carollo et al., in preparation  Sample of 183 stars with high-resolution spectroscopy obtained with Subaru and other sources (Aoki et al. 2013; Norris et al. 2013), including on the order of 50 CEMP stars  High resolution spectroscopy necessary to obtain the Barium signature of s-process

25 Rapo > 15 kpc IHP-OHP Memberships using Integrals of Motion


27 New CEMP + VMP Star Survey Summary  Placco, Beers, et al. have been using “bad weather” time on the Gemini N and S telescopes to search for NEW (formerly missed) examples of CEMP and VMP stars chosen from the HK and HES candidates  Numerous examples of new CEMP stars found by targeting on the G-band strength of scanned HES stars  By taking advantage of the apparently strong correlation between large C over-abundances and declining [Fe/H], rather than on the weakness of the CaII K line for metal weakness, and obtaining C information later from medium-res spectroscopic follow-up  Numerous examples of new VMP stars found by targeting on previously unobserved HK and HES candidates  CEMP survey recently completed (~ 800 spectra / ~200 new CEMP stars)  VMP survey just getting underway  High-resolution work (AAT, Magellan, VLT/X-Shooter) – Just Starting

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33 [C/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] (Medium-Res Results)

34  Expansion of numbers of identified CEMP stars, in particular with [F/eH] < —2.5, which include both CEMP-s and CEMP-no stars  High-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of a core sample of 100- 200 CEMP stars, in order to assign classifications based on heavy elements, and to determine CNO and other light element abundances  Radial velocity monitoring of CEMP stars, in order to determine binary nature, as well as characterize correlations between chemical patterns and nature of the detected binary  An exciting time indeed ! The Path Forward

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