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Leadership Development at YouthBuild. Examples of Leadership Development and Youth Voice in YouthBuild Programs.

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1 Leadership Development at YouthBuild

2 Examples of Leadership Development and Youth Voice in YouthBuild Programs

3 YouthBuild | Leadership Development in Classroom Structure Students:  help decide classroom activities  are responsible for finishing and correcting own work  have opportunities to work in teams  teach each other  rotate leadership jobs in classroom  participate in evaluating teachers SLIDE 21

4 YouthBuild | Leadership Development in Classroom Content Students:  Research topic of community concern or current event  Make a presentation to class or whole program on a community issue  Participate in formal debate  Write letters to the editor or Congressperson  Visit and dialogue with public officials  Use “Blueprint for Democracy”, a civic engagement curriculum from YouthBuild USA  Study history and culture of the racial and ethnic groups of students  Study the movements of poor people for equal opportunity SLIDE 22

5 YouthBuild | Leadership Development on Construction Worksite Young people:  learn overview of entire construction process  rotate leadership roles: crew chiefs, safety coordinator; site steward responsible for calling for breaks, cleanup, attendance; making store runs; photographer who documents work; a tool captain who signs out tools and conducts inventory  go to contract negotiations or City Hall to pull the permits  help plan, estimate materials, schedule the work  help solve particular problems such as meeting a deadline, keeping the site cleaner, improving attendance, or improving teamwork.  give tours to visitors to the site  evaluate the construction staff and each other SLIDE 23

6 YouthBuild | Leadership Development in the Counseling Component Young people strengthen their leadership by:  learning to lead discussion groups  learning to do peer counseling  practicing peer mediation and conflict- resolution skills  exploring cultural diversity issues  making individual leadership development and life plans  learning to better navigate external world SLIDE 24

7 YouthBuild | Sample Leadership Competencies Personal skills that are critical leadership development skills include ability to:  demonstrate consistency and responsibility on a daily basis  negotiate effectively for oneself  resolve conflicts constructively  communicate about issues of cultural identity in a positive manner  listen and communicate effectively  lead constructive small group discussions  clarify personal values; walk one’s talk SLIDE 25

8 YouthBuild | Leadership Policy Committee  6-8 elected youth, director, and a staff rep  clear criteria for being and remaining a member  serious training: on how to read a budget, form an agenda, lead a productive meeting, use consensus decision-making, listen well, conduct interviews  structured respect: private weekly meetings with director, prepared agenda  serious tasks: hire staff, review budget, make program decisions  good group process: brainstorming, equal-time, twice-once rule, go-arounds, validations  accountability to and from students and staff SLIDE 26

9 YouthBuild | Leadership Development in Program Operations Young people:  are assumed and expected to be leaders  help make program rules and discipline policies  accompany director on fundraising visits  take turns being office receptionist, answering phones, doing data entry  lead morning meetings and program events  show visitors around; handle press interviews  care for the physical environment: re-cycle, conserve energy, care for equipment SLIDE 27

10 YouthBuild | Leadership Development in the Wider Community Young people can:  choose and organize community service projects  offer tutoring, computer skills, mentoring to younger children  do presentations in schools about staying in school, off drugs  make presentations to policy makers about needed changes  organize and host community youth conferences SLIDE 28

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