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National Leadership and Innovation Agency For Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd National Leadership & Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "National Leadership and Innovation Agency For Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd National Leadership & Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Leadership and Innovation Agency For Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd National Leadership & Innovation Agency for Healthcare Jo Carruthers Deputy Director Leadership

2 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Presentation Strategic Context NLIAH Role Leadership Development Upcoming opportunities

3 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Strategic Context Making the Connections 2004 Designed for Life 2005 “World class healthcare and social services in a healthy, dynamic country” A dedicated strategic support for NHS Wales in accelerating the delivery of world class health services

4 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd NLIAH Role Building leadership and organisational development capacity and capability Speeding up service transformation and continuous improvement Redesigning the workforce Securing leading edge practice Embedding innovation Creating the climate for continuous change

5 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Leadership Development Current leaders Board Development Succession Planning Clinical Leadership Continuos Development E-development & Technology

6 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd 6 Programmes and Opportunities 360 LQF Feedback Coaching Access OD Practitioners Programme Cohort 4 NHS Wales Excellence Classes PSMW Programmes

7 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Karan Harry

8 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Session Outline:  Review – Skills, Knowledge and Expertise  Retention, Development & Application of Skills, Knowledge and Expertise  Learning Styles  Continuous Professional Development

9 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Review:  SKILLS  KNOWLEDGE  EXPERTISE

10 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills

11 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Group Activity: Consider your involvement in leading the implementation of A4C. and Identify the skills, knowledge and expertise gained

12 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Retention, Development & Application

13 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills Group Activity: How are we going to influence the retention of what we have gained during A4C? What are the personal and organisational actions needed to maintain the A4C principles?

14 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills

15 ©National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arweiniad ac Arloesoldeb dros Ofal Iechyd Using and Developing Your Skills CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

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