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United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Leadership Module 6: Leadership Development and Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Leadership Module 6: Leadership Development and Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Fire Administration Chief Officer Training Curriculum Leadership Module 6: Leadership Development and Practice

2 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-2 Objectives  Analyze individual behavior, decision- making, and leadership in organizational and life setting  List the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to solve the situation depicted in the case studies prepared by students –Identify those skills the student lacks or that need improvement  Create a personal action plan for leadership development

3 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-3 Overview  The Leadership Case Studies  Personal Leadership Development Plan

4 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-4 Activity 6.1  Case Studies  This activity will help you: –Identify the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) of a leader –Identify those you lack or need improvement.

5 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-5 Worksheet 6.1.0 Knowledge PKnowledgeRankingAction Plan

6 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-6 Development Plan Form AbilitiesAction Plans Resource/Assistance Required Scheduled Completion date ActivityExpected Learning Measured Results ActivityExpected Learning Measured Results ActivityExpected Learning Measured Results

7 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-7 Activity 6.2  Leadership Development Plan –This activity brings focus to the areas of need within students’ leadership development and leads to the establishment of a plan of action to ensure continuous growth

8 United States Fire Administration LDR 6-8 Summary  Analyze behavior, decision-making, and leadership in organizational and life settings  From this analysis you composed a list of the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to solve the situation depicted in the case studies you prepared –Then, identified those you lack or that need improvement  Started your personal action plan for leadership development

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