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Team Handball.

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1 Team Handball

2 Team Handball Game Overview Basic Rules Positions Court Red is input

3 Game Overview Handball developed in the late 19th century in Germany and Scandinavia. Games are normally two 30 minute periods, with 10 minutes extra time and a sudden death shootout from the 7m line if the scores are still even. To start games and after a goal, play begins with a throw off, (much like soccer), from the center court. Although there are many different variations, typically when the ball goes out of bounds it is thrown back in from that spot much like basketball.

4 Rules The goal of handball is to score points by putting the ball into the opponents net. Games are 7-on-7 including the goalie. Ball can be dribbled once (like basketball) and then player can take 3 more steps but must pass or shoot within the three seconds. Players can not enter either goal crease except in the act of shooting. Players can shoot while jumping into the crease but shot must be released before foot touches inside crease. The shot must be released while in the air. If there is any doubt that the shooter was back on the ground at the time of the shot, then it is the goalie’s ball and any goal resulting from the play does not count. Goaltender cannot leave the crease. If goalie makes a save and tips the ball next to the post or over the bar, no corner is given (unlike in soccer). It is the goalie’s possession. ( 2014)

5 Rules If a defender blocks a shot and the ball goes next to the post or over the bar, without the goalie touching it, a corner is given (like in soccer). No barging or head ducking, using elbows or swiping defenders arms away in order to get past them. No hitting opposition’s arms, no holding or tripping. No kicking the ball except for the goalkeeper making a save. No diving on the floor to play a ball. When the defender fouls the attacker while shooting, then it is a free throw from the top of the crease with only the goaltender to beat. No reaching in to grab ball away. Ball can only be blocked. Defender is not allowed to touch the attacker when the attacker has passed the defender No punching or hitting the ball. ( 2014)

6 Positions In addition to the goalkeeper, teams are usually made up of two wing players, a center left, a center right(outlying centers), and two attacking centers (attackers). One attacker is usually for offense and the other for defense. Keeper- (1)can touch the ball with any part of the body as long as one foot is in the area. Wingers- (2) tend to operate along the touch lines, but cut inside on demand. Outlying centers (backs)- (2-3) one is on the left and the other operates on the right. Attackers (pivots)- (1-2) the attacking centers typically focus on the opponents goal. (The Sports Book, Duffy,Michael 2007)

7 Court -Draw and label the court as shown below in your output side.


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