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ATS QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMMES. 2 NAV CANADA: THE COMPANY NAV CANADA, a non-share capital, private sector corporation incorporated May 1995 Financially.

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Presentation on theme: "ATS QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMMES. 2 NAV CANADA: THE COMPANY NAV CANADA, a non-share capital, private sector corporation incorporated May 1995 Financially."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 NAV CANADA: THE COMPANY NAV CANADA, a non-share capital, private sector corporation incorporated May 1995 Financially self-sufficient entity Commercial business: surpluses reinvested, used to reduce debt and/or to reduce user fees Assumed responsibility of ANS November 1996.

3 SAFETY FIRST First priority is the provision of safe ANS Open Safety Culture

4 NAV CANADA SAFETY STRUCTURE INTERNAL Office of Safety and Quality Management Safety and Service Design Air Traffic Services EXTERNAL Transport Canada Transportation Safety Board


6 Corporate Safety Objective STRATEGIC SAFETY GOAL To reduce NAV CANADA-related safety-risks to a level as low as reasonably achievable.

7 OFFICE OF SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT MANDATE Internal and independent safety Oversight Leadership in the management of ANS related risk

8 Safety Roles of the OSQM Internal Oversight –Advise Board of Directors, Executive Management Committee, TC & TSB –NC Observer Program –Independent risk assessments & evaluation –Confidential Reporting - ARGUS

9 Safety Roles of the OSQM Leadership –Propose & coordinate - safety management planning, training, measurement –Propose & coordinate human factors initiatives –Propose & coordinate risk management techniques –Facilitate communications –Promote safety management

10 Safety and Service Design Reports to VP Operations Conducts Operational Safety Investigations Measures Safety Performance

11 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES DIVISION Reports to V P of Operations Determines ATS Procedures. Determines requirements for operational systems and equipment.

12 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES DIVISION Monitors the day to day operation of ANS. Conducts cyclical evaluations of all ATS unit. Proficiency Checks.

13 Transport Canada Conduct Audits of all ATS Units Conduct Inspections of all ATS Units Confirms compliance with CARs

14 Transportation Safety Board Investigate Incidents or Accidents. Issues safety notifications or recommendations when required.

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