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Tips and Tricks to Effectively Use PowerPoint Jessica DeVaal.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips and Tricks to Effectively Use PowerPoint Jessica DeVaal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips and Tricks to Effectively Use PowerPoint Jessica DeVaal

2 Today’s To-Do List  When should I use a visual aid?  Types of media  Designing visual aids  Perks of presentation software  Guidelines for slide shows  Group Slides

3 When should I use a visual aid?  When it will make the message clearer.  When it will be simple enough to be understood on its own.  When it will be worth the time needed to develop it.  When it will enhance the message.  When it will supplement retention.

4 Types of Media  Handouts  Models  Films, Videotapes, or DVDs  Slide shows  Flip charts  Whiteboards  Transparencies

5 Designing Visual Aids  Use one idea per visual.  Use one overall style for all visuals.  Use color for emphasis.  Only use computer graphics if they enhance!!  Proofread!

6 Slide Shows  Computer software makes professional quality presentations easy to prepare.  Can incorporate other software, presentation graphics and techniques, video and/or audio clips.  Many textbooks have computerized slide shows available for teachers.

7 Microsoft PowerPoint  Slide Layouts –Provides over two dozen layouts for text and other content  Slide Design –Variety of designs and color schemes for background and text colors  These tools can assist you with layout and color combinations!  These tools can assist you with layout and color combinations!

8 Basics of Design  Readability  Content  Consistency

9 Guidelines for Slide Shows  Organize slides around topic.  TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH!! –Too many slides –Too much material on one slide –Too many “bells and whistles”  Rule of 49

10 Guidelines for Slide Shows  Check equipment and set up in advance.  Determine appropriate lighting.  Determine appropriate distance between projector and screen.

11 Guidelines for Slide Shows  Provide adequate contrast. –consider lighting  Slides should supplement not replace!  Plan B for equipment failure!!

12 Font Sizes 72 pt 60 pt 44 pt 36 pt 32 pt 28 pt 24 pt

13 Font  Use sans serif fonts –Arial –Helvetica  Avoid “fancy fonts”  Avoid italics, shadow & underlines  Keep running text to a minimum

14 Group Slide #1 I have relatives that live in many different states, including: Minnesota South Dakota Hawaii Iowa Alaska Nebraska North Dakota Wisconsin

15 Group Slide #2 Tuesday, August 5, 2008

16 Group Slide #3

17 Group Slide #4 Advantages for using transparencies: Useful for: outlining objectives or key points providing illustrations or even graphical representations summarizing material Often available as a supplement to textbooks -3 hole punch and store in a binder for future use Guidelines for Transparencies: Face the audience Use a Pointer Use a “mask” to cover what is NOT being discussed Use overlays to “build” a model or illustrate steps or parts of a whole

18 Review of Key Points  Font Size –Titles – 44 pt –Body – no smaller than 28 pt  Font Style –Arial or Helvetica  Rule of 49, 36, 25 …  Color –Light on Dark/Dark on Light

19 Resources  Dr. Sandy Braathen, UND  ngsmart/2005/06/ ml ngsmart/2005/06/ ml ngsmart/2005/06/ ml  ools/help/ppttips.pdf ools/help/ppttips.pdf ools/help/ppttips.pdf  tworkdone/presentations.mspx tworkdone/presentations.mspx tworkdone/presentations.mspx

20 Thank You! Enjoy the rest of PDC!

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