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1 ICAO TRAINING INSTITUTE (Kyiv, Ukraine) The ICAO Training Institute had been established at the National Aviation University in 2003 to provide high.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ICAO TRAINING INSTITUTE (Kyiv, Ukraine) The ICAO Training Institute had been established at the National Aviation University in 2003 to provide high."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ICAO TRAINING INSTITUTE (Kyiv, Ukraine) The ICAO Training Institute had been established at the National Aviation University in 2003 to provide high level of educational and training activities in the fields of aviation security, flight safety and aircraft airworthiness in accordance with ICAO regulations and to forward the efforts of Training Centres to promoting aviation safety.

2 2 ICAO ENDORSED EUROPEAN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT SAFETY INSPECTORS TRAINING CENTRE The Centre was founded at the National Aviation University according to ICAO decision on November, 25th, 2002. The letter of endorsement was signed by the ICAO Secretary General R.C. Costa Pereira. The main purpose of this Centre is to train and upgrade professional skills of inspectors on flight operation and airworthiness as well as to conduct courses on safety management systems implementation.

3 3 ICAO Training Institute ICAO European Regional Aviation Security Training Centre ICAO Endorsed European Regional Government Safety Inspectors Training Centre ICAO Academic Department Academic Affairs Board Quality Assurance Committee National Training Centres Aviation Safety Management Quality Assurance National Regulation for Air Transport Operations Aviation English

4 4 LIST OF COURSES DELIVERED AT THE CENTRE 18700 Government Safety Inspectors - Operations 18701 Government Safety Inspectors - Airworthiness Safety Management Systems (SMS) Training Course

5 5 The TRAINAIR Methodology is applied for the development of different national courses on flight safety, which are approved by the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine and organized in cooperation with Continuing Education Institute of the National Aviation University NATIONAL COURSES DEVELOPMENT

6 6 Safety in the process of Flights Aerodrome Provision Search and rescue operations Airport Visual and Electric Power Systems for Aviation Safety Provision Information supply for flight safety management system Aircraft accident and incident prevention and investigation Meteorological provision of flight safety Safety in Airport Ground Equipment Operation Modern Fuel Supply Technologies for Aviation Safety Provision National regulatory system for air transport operations International regulation and organization of passengers air transportation LIST OF NATIONAL COURSES DELIVERED AT THE CENTRE

7 7 LANGUAGES AND INSTRUCTORS Russian and English are the languages of training. Highly skilled instructors, certified by ICAO are involved into the courses delivering.

8 8

9 9 1 – 18700 Government Safety Inspectors – Operations 2 – 18701 Government Safety Inspectors – Airworthiness 3 – JAR FCL-3 4 – Safety Management Systems (SMS) Training Course

10 10 NUMBER OF SPECIALISTS TRAINED AT THE CENTRE In 2006-2008 at the Centre 195 persons from 25 countries have been trained on official ICAO Government Safety Inspectors Training Courses.

11 11 International Workshop on CNS/ATM Implementation Under the auspices of the ICAO European and North Atlantic Office and State Aviation Administration of Ukraine the International Workshop on CNS/ATM Implementation was held on the 30 th of October – 1 st of November, 2007. About 45 participants from the Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine took part in the workshop.

12 12 International organizations ICAO, IATA, European Commission, Eurocontrol, IAC, RADA, representatives of foreign companies INTELCAN (Canada), Ubitech (Germany), Parkaerosystem (Great Britain), producing equipment for implementation of CNS/ATM technologies, the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine and other countries were represented at the workshop. International Workshop on CNS/ATM Implementation

13 13 ICAO INSTRUCTORS Two Safety Management Systems (SMS) Training Courses (14-18 th of November, 2006 and 20-24 th of November, 2006) were delivered by the instructors from the ICAO Headquarters for specialists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tunisia and Ukraine.

14 14 COOPERATION On the request of the ICAO Headquarters Safety Management Systems Training Course materials were translated into Russian by the Centre instructors.

15 15 TRAINING FOR STUDENTS The Safety Management Systems Training Course for the students of aviation specialties can be delivered for the students of the National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine).

16 16 OBJECTIVES FOR 2009/2010 To develop national training courses on harmonization of flight safety issues with European Regulations To qualify 2-3 instructors on Government Safety Inspectors Training Courses To translate 18700 Government Safety Inspectors – Operations and 18701 Government Safety Inspectors – Airworthiness Training Courses into Russian

17 17 How to contact us: National Aviation University ICAO Institute 1, Kosmonavta Komarova ave. 03058, Kyiv Ukraine Tel: +38 044 408 24 13 Tel./Fax: +38 044 457 69 12 E-mail:


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